If you area regular around here, you may remember that Weasels love free samples while shopping.
You may also remember that Melisa has completed WeaselMomma's beginners course on booze knowledge (101) where she picked up all sorts of trivial tidbits about everything booze related on our class field trip.
Add those two together and what do you get?
Well my dear friends, I think I have now attained a level of enlightenment equivalent to being a Brahman of Booze. I believe that now I may be a Jedi Master of libations.
On Saturday a friend was throwing a bash for her husband's 50th Birthday. I received a phone call begging for a helping hand. I rolled my eyes and answered "what do you need". I being the incredibly helpful and supportive friend that I am asked why I could help with to ease her time crunch. "Will you pick up the kegs?".
Paydirt! I'm all over it! Not only does it make me party savior, it ensures I get to test the kegs. At the liquor store they do all the heavy lifting, all I have to do is show up and get all the credit. This is my kind of helping hand.
So I head to the liquor store where the kegs are waiting. As luck would have it, it's sampling day!!!!!!!! Lots of reps with many different types libations just begging you to try a little. At the entrance was a chipper woman with a tequila offering, "would you like to try a taste?". I explained to her briefly ha! that Jose and I had a big falling out back in college and that I am not really on speaking terms with his family. She explained that this is the side of family that lives in the mansion on top of the hill and doesn't associate with his cousin that lives in the shanty shack in town. Wouldn't you know it, this side of the family and I got along just fine!
Moving down the aisle there were more reps with rums and vodkas and all sorts of wonderful premixed concoctions. I usually don't care for pre-mixed. After all fresh is best, but these were actually very nice for coming ready to serve. I continue skipping happily down the aisle, Disney World has nothing on this place to make my way toward the keg counter and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a beautiful rep with bottle of liquor so clear. "Would you like to try some Braziilian Rum?". The clouds parted and the sunshine stream down from the heavens Yes, I know I was indoors, just go with it. "Oh, you mean cachaca? I love cachaca! What do have made up there? Is that caipirinhas? Sure I'll have some".
The rep was stunned. "I don't even know how to pronounce those words, That's why I just say Brazillian rum. You know it is different then regular rum because it's......" and I stop her to tell her that yes, I know all about how it is made from fresh sugar cane and not pressed yada, yada, yada.
We talk for a few minutes because she would keep filling my sample cup up as long as I did and she says "wow, you know more about this stuff than we do. Would you like to come work for us?". I laughed it off and said that I was just here to pick up some kegs for a party and continued on my merry way.
This morning I am sitting here kicking myself. That could have been a dream job. I let it slip away. I could have done that job and been very good at it. Just ask NukeDad. He'll tell you I've done lots of research.

Just imagine the booze filled days, pressing Caipirhinas on unsuspecting shoppers....a dream job. LOL Seriously they let you sample the stuff in the liquor store? How do you get home without driving plastered?
In college we had a fraternity brother who worked at the local liquor store. He was our personal hero and savior. The party never started until he showed up. My affair with tequila ended badly shortly after college. Something about a eating a dollar bill after my eleventh shot of the night. Very bad night. That would have been an awesome job, sounds like you schooled her at her own game.
LMAO! Go back! Today! Maybe there is still an opening left!
@ Kat ~ Well, they only give you a teensy bit at a time and a have a tolerance that I should find embarrassing, but don't.
@ PJ ~ I NEED you to post that story, or what you remember of it.
@ Gertrude ~ If only the reps hung out every day.
WeaselMomma! You speak rum! This is one of my most favoritist of distilled liquids, be it Jamaican, Demerara, Brazilian, dark, light, gold, what have you.
They never do free samples here. Not that I've hung out at the liquor store to find out or anything. For long.
You passed up your dream job? How could you? This would have been the perfect job for you! J/K! You have the perfect job!
Free samples of liquor? Where do I go? And by the way, next time I host a party I'm taking your educated self to the liquor store. I always wander around looking lost, because I am!
LMAO! Funny post!
Daddy asked me about when I am coming to town next so he can make sure to have home brew ready for me to bring you as well as the hard lemonade stuff, which may or may not have cranberry in it (Cheryl likes the cranberry kind Mike's makes). Maybe I'll have to drag him with so he can meet you too, though if I do he will most likely work to get you and/or Mr. Weasel to become brewers too!
HILARIOUS. And you're right, that would be the perfect job for you. Liquor samples with a smile!
Either that, or you could just charge for tours of the liquor store. I enjoyed myself immensely and would be happy to provide a testimonial! :)
Yup... I'd drink the profits if I worked at a liquor store. LOL!
I have really enjoyed reading your blog -I've been a lurking for a while but thought I would say hello! So hi! I don't know how you do it... 5 kids.. whoa.
I have one and its well.. rewarding yes, but takes some patience. And he is only 3 months! LOL!
I'll be around! Happy Tuesday.
I have never heard of free samples. I am sure it is illegal in backwards Arkansas. Half of our state is dry and we can't by liquor on Sundays. If we did have free samples I would be in heaven.
Your dream job reminds me of when Norm became the beer taster on Cheers. That could have been you.
Uhm...so let me get this straight. You spent the afternoon(well, a few minutes) drinking an assortment of beverages, then loaded some kegs in the car, and drove somewhere? You would have looked SO guilty if you'd have swerved just a little LOL. It definitely was your lucky day ;)
Niiiiice. And yeah, I think you need to go back and find that rep. That "job" is SO up your alley.
Speaking of tastings... you and Melisa should come up for Uncorked Barrington on July 11. Wine (and some small beer) tasting with food samples, too. Last time I went, I tasted EVERY wine sample they had, an arduous task, I assure you. SO much fun though, and bigger every year!
It might not be Coors Light, but it sounds pretty cushy to me! Think how easy your Christmas giving would be!
I have seen sample days at the beer distributors in PA -- in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there are state liquor stores, beer distributors and bars. You can only buy up to a 12 pack (to go) at bars (and now some supermarkets and gas stations!). You can buy cases and kegs (but no 12 packs or less) at distributors, and you can wine and spirits at the state stores.
I've moved passed the rum days - having imbibed quite a bit back when I was able to work in Bermuda (talk about 'fresh'!) and now settle in for bourbon.
But truly, I would have taken up that job offer in a heartbeat!
Be careful what you wish for...I worked for a distributor of adult libations at one time. I averaged about 65-70 hours a week during the summer. But, then, I was hourly and the beer was free; I guess it couldn't have been that bad!
Be careful what you wish for...I worked for a distributor of adult libations at one time. I averaged about 65-70 hours a week during the summer. But, then, I was hourly and the beer was free; I guess it couldn't have been that bad!
Oh this is so sad, so sad. Opportunity knocks. The dream job is there. And in a Jose induced fog, it is passed by. Sob!
I love caipirinhas too :) Yum. I deal with those outdoor grilled meals. And I'm with you boo on pre-mixed drinks.
LMB(hic)O! this post was hilarious and a true adventure. EAT-THE-WORM! EAT-THE-WORM!
That is my kind of store...and my kind of job! Do you remember the name of the vendor? Call them!
I can't believe you turned down your dream job. I could see you becoming a work-aholic (in addition to another 'holic). I could also imagine you putting in the O.T. as well as taking your work home....
Apparently I'm a weasel and I didn't know it, because I live for free samples of all kinds!
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