It was a pretty busy weekend here in Weaselville. So much to be done and so little time. The weather was volatile with off and on torrential rains and temperatures fluctuating 30 degrees within hours. It was impossible to get the yard work accomplished that we had planned, so food shopping was the next doable thing on the list.
Recently, a members only warehouse store has opened up nearby and we decided to check it out after church. We piled all of the Weasels into the van and headed out.
Yes, this is insane.
Mr. Weasel has a propensity to be overzealous when shopping in bulk. I am more conservative when it comes to purchases and it usually takes as much energy to follow him around the store keeping him in check as trying to keep a toddler from touching everything they pass by.
Now top that off with 5 Weasels who would like to buy one of everything and all pulling in separate directions and I am busier that a 3 legged dog trying to bury a bone. Just to throw a cherry on top, it was free sample day! There is nothing that the Weasels like better than free food sampling while grocery shopping.
There were food samples all over the place. The Weasels ran from station to station as if they were trick or treating. All going in different directions and reporting back to each other where the best offerings were. Buttered toast was a big hit, along with cantaloupe and fresh baked muffins. There were Chicken nuggets, wheat pasta, pasta salad and let's not forget the Jelly Bellies and oatmeal cookies for dessert.
It was like the poor man's buffet and the Weasels looked as if they hadn't had any food for a week. While I was busy trying to keep them herded in one general area, Mr. Weasel was on the loose with the shopping cart.
By the time we were ready to check out, I was done. Finished. Kaput. Mr. Weasel had had a field day filling our cart, with help from his minions, of things I wouldn't have bought and some that I would have. We were all stocked on food for a week and when asked "when are we going to eat?". Are they kidding? My answer, "We just took you out to lunch!".
And just think, if that qualifies as going out to eat, next week I can take them to the pet store and call it a trip to the poor man's zoo.

Ah yes. The samples lunch. Like a buffet only without the waitress cleaning up the soiled dishes.
haha...when I saw the title, I thought you were doing an advance post about today. You didn't forget, right? See you at TEN THIRTY!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I wish I could have seen your kids run around and eat like they hadn't eaten in months. How far behind them did you follow? ;)
OMG, that's too funny. I can totally imagine it too. My father is the same way when buying in bulk as the Mr Weasel.
We had a membership to our local club but dropped it. It just isn't as feasible for a smaller family as it is for a larger one. We had too much stuff going to waste.
Hilarious!! I would have snuck outside to enjoy a cool drink all alone, & pretended I didn't know them! :) My children (including the hubby-one) looove free samples. I can just picture this, though I'm so glad it was you & not me!
Tell the truth, WeaselMomma-you didn't go for the food, you went because you think the guys working those sample carts look hot in their hair nets. Whoo whoo!
This is wonderfully funny. I laughed out loud. I can see you trying to keep Mr. Weasel and the five Weasel children in check. But, how smart you were to pick free sample day! Free lunch is great! And isn't it typical for children to pig out on free samples only to want lunch when they get home!
Come on tell me who doesn't love going to the member only warehouse store and buying crap that you'd never get otherwise because of the incredible perceived value (But dear how could I pass up on the 5 pounds of macadamia nuts at this price?).
I don't even like to shop but I do love going to the warehouse store
There was a sample of buttered toast?? Now that one I have not seen! Hopefully you're stocked for more than a week - too exhausting otherwise.
No fair--You and Melissa got to go out to lunch?! For your sake, I hope it wasn't at S's club! :)
@ Captain ~ Is that where you took your wife for a first date?
@ Melisa ~ Close enough to keep carnage at a minimum, Far enough for plausible deny ability.
@ Jason ~ It was lose/lose all the way around.
@ Laura ~ Unfortunately they have everything there except a bar.
@ NukeDad ~ I like my hair net wearing men to say "do you want fries with that".
@ Surprised ~ Pure luck (?) that it was free sample day.
@ de-I ~ 5 lbs is a lot of nuts and my house is already full of them.
@ Seashore ~ 4 varieties even. You would have thought they hit pay dirt.
@ Mrs 4444 ~ She only takes me to the best places.
Why did I never think to call the pet store a poor man's zoo? You are one smart cookie!
Livin' Large!
Our warehouse store doesn't allow the kids to have free samples unless a parent is present to ok it. Perhaps they've had prior experiences like the Weasel visit.
That's the way we do that place. Come hungry, leave with $450.00 of industrial-strength sized bags of rice and enough dishwasher detergent to last a year.
Is it sad that I can tell you without a doubt that you were at Costco? Because I ummm recognize the exact samples from the Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets to the Jelly Belly tubes to the Costco made Greek pasta salad (that totally rocks).....
I so love Costco. And I hope you do, too. You may want to learn to go shopping on your own though!
OH! And did I mention that I love your hair?
@ Sue ~ As a slacker mom I have a hundred of these up my sleeve.
@ Terri ~ I was surprised they were giving them to kids without a parent over their shoulder too. Maybe it was our overwhelming numbers.
@ Tom ~ I am grateful that I could keep that sack of rice out of the cart. We did wind up with the detergent.
@ Michelle ~ Lol, you were there too???? And thanks about the hair thing. That is unless you are mocking me.
How did you fit all of the Weasels and the goodies into the car? I hope you got some rest!
At first I thought you ment Members Only like the old jackets. Imagining you and the family looking through a wearhouse of those jackets made for a funny image.
Been there done that! LOL 3 legged dog trying to bury a bone. LOL
It doesn't get any better. Soon they'll all venture out around the store and return with items and damned good reason fo 'em.
As always! Fun post!
Hee hee, I like your reasoning! I must take the kids to the supermarket and do that!
Gotta luv the Warehouse Clubs! Shopping with children is great exercise (as well as a "free lunch")
We married the same man. I just about had to divorce him in the members-only club aisle when he threw in the bulk SHAM-WOW box into the cart. Uh...I don't think so.
I've tagged you for a meme over at my photo blog. You are welcome to enjoy it or not ;-)
Nope, totally not mocking you. I just realized that I had neglected to mention it. You do have great hair.
And ummm it's possible I spend a little time at Costco. Regularly. But I do the LITH one, so I'm assuming you're at a further south one?
And would you believe that I still have some cookie dough left? And my husband hasn't found it! :)
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