Flat WeaselMomma is alive and well and so is Big Bad Daddy and family, according to a reliable source. She seems to be having a wonderful time visiting and vacationing north of the border. Go check it out and then decide for yourself if she is the danger to society that NukeDad has warned about.
Also today, I want to point a spotlight on some really great and enjoyable bloggers who don't get nearly the attention they deserve, Including the two fabulous dads listed above. If you already read them, great. If you don't, you are missing out.
Tom of Being Michael's Daddy
Surprised Mom
Otter Thomas of Life of a New Dad
Seashore Subjects
Nonna of Nonna's Nonsense
These are all wonderful additions to the blogging community and diamonds in the rough.
Flat WeaselMomma will be continuing her world tour with Melisa of Suburban Scrawl and then I have to check my list to see where to next. If you are not already on the list, but would like to be, just leave me a comment saying so.

What a nice surprise to be listed on your page. Thanks for the support. Stumbling upon your site was one of my greatest accidental blogging moments.
thank you, thank you! i've already been visited by otter thomas because of you! dang! i guess that means i need to hurry up and post something new! lol i'm sure i'm on the list for flatWeaselMomma cuz i've bugged you about it several times, but just in case: i'm ready to show her a slammin' southern adventure!
oh, and maybe i will get caught up with reading you first, since you give such good linky love ;)
Nice sites. I have stumbled across a few of them before.
What list are you talking about and what does this list get you? I may be interested :)
I love Michael's Daddy, Tom. In a big sisterly way. He is an awesome dude. And a good writer which ratchets up the awesome factor for me.
@ Otter ~ It's well deserved. Funny my parents called me a happy accident too.
@ Nonna ~ You are on the list (this is just taking longer than expected). Again, well deserved. Now get to writing.
@ Daddy KV ~ The list is for those you wish to host Flat WeaselMomma on their blog and in their home. If you want on, just let me know.
sign me up for the FWM hosting. I am sure Kat and her brother can find something for her to do.
Really it would be awesome if FWM could watch the kids so Jill and I can have some time to ourselves to.. you know... SLEEP!
Sweet, FWM coming back to Iowa! I might be finding out if K'man is a serial killer with an extremely elaborate cover story like us this Friday, I'll let you know before you send him FWM if it works out ;). If Niecey reads this she will declare it her turn (again) but you would have to drive over and rescue FWM if you ever did send her over because Niecey would so not want to give her up again! Oh and she has read your blog, though I think she mainly does it when I am visiting, lol.
I love reading those guys. When I have no inspiration to write, I read their stuff and then off I go.
Melisa (with one S) could just save on postage and bring it to lunch on Monday...that is if she has FWM by then....
If not, well there goes that idea!! Yeah, I know...I'm helpful..
I'm so happy to hear the FWM is alive and well. I was beginning to panic!
Relieved to hear FWM is alive and doing well. I envy her, I would love to take a trip like this for real! Can you imagine going all over the continent and meeting people that you blog with?
Thanks for the plug and the laughs!
Whew! What's her condition? Do you think she'll be okay to take my spin class?
I can't say I'm going anywhere fun or interesting, but if you don't already have a WI stop scheduled for your "Flat Momma" (that sounds baaaaad) lemme know! I'm your woman!
WeaselMomma, thank you so much for the link and the accolade!
And I'm so glad that FWM has finally been found and will be moving on to her next venture. I just hope she doesn't do a repeat of her misdeeds at the NukeResidence.
I think FWM is just lying in wait. A leopard can't change it's spots, you know.
I would love to have FWM visit us on Cape Cod. She likes the smell of dead fish and doesn't get seasick, right?
These are excellent picks! :)
Ooo ooo ooo, is FWM coming to Lou's with Melisa?
And how's the new job going btw (unless of course you've talked about this in the past week and I just haven't read it yet because I'm wayyyyy behind right now)?
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