Welcome to another addition of Fatherhood Friday, a Dad-Blogs spectacular! What, you still haven't joined dad-blogs? Get on the ball people, that place rocks. Would I be there if it wasn't cool?
No funnies here today, but if you read through this post you can reward yourself with this fantastically hysterical one.
By now, I'm sure most of you have read the news about Baby Maddie here. or here. or here. or here. Or at countless other blogs.
I don't know Maddie or her family. I only know of her, since her passing. I only know that she has obviously touched many people's hearts and that her family is in deep suffering right now. My heart aches for these people whom I don't know and for the long torturous road that they have just been thrust upon.
Mr. Weasel and I have walked that road. It's rough terrain, very hilly and rocky. It's full of potholes and landmines. There is no map to follow the road or any of it's twist and turns. There are not any paved patches or shortcuts. However, there are organizations that provide you with hiking boots and a walking stick. There are no band-aids for the unavoidable blisters, but these organizations and the people who run them will rub salve on the wounds and walk with you.
One such organization, that helped us through that dark wilderness, is Sudden Infant Death Services of Illinois. For 40 years, SIDS of IL, has been providing not only support for families who have buried their child (and I credit them for our own survival), but provided educational resources to parents about safe sleep practices (SIDS rates in IL have dropped 68% ((68% People!!!! That's a lot of babies saved!)) since the"back to sleep" campaign was implemented), has been helping to fund and support medical research in the hope of one day SIDS will be eradicated and has been offering professional training for first responders in an effort to educate and prevent situations such as Mr. Weasel and I encountered.
This organization saved our family and many others. Unfortunately, there is always another family in need of their help. Last night I was informed that SIDS of IL is yet another victim of our current economy. They only have enough funds to cover operating costs through the end of May.
There have been tight belts and close calls before and they have always found a way to keep the doors open and continue doing the important work that they do. This time, I would like to be a part of the solution.
If you can donate, please do. You can do it right here. Not all of us can donate, but you can tweet, link, stumble and spread the word. Somewhere there is an angel that can help.
So on this Good Friday, when we take time to remember that God gave his only Son to die, for us. Do your part to save another father and mother and family from this awful fate.
SIDS of Illinois ~ In the belief that every baby should live.

Makes you step back and enjoy the good stuff.
Yet, another powerful read...thank you!
God bless you and your family on this Good Friday.
You're the best! I'll keep you posted.
The mortality rate is the United States is much higher than many other countries. We have to do better because every baby should live.
As parents we all should be putting organizations like this in our prayers and supporting them with our time and wallets. Thanks for reminding us all...
Very power, thank you. Happy FF!!
If you can visit me at http://www.pbandsmellysdad.com/
Your words are a sobering reminder of what's really important in life. Thank you.
Great post WM. Your writing hits my emotional string
great post. very powerful, wm.
32% more to go. I want this Iowa charity made unnecessary, they make baby coffins, I'd rather they not need to and make cradles instead! It was so sad reading about their charity and seeing that tiny little box. God bless you and your family and SIDS of IL and other such organizations.
Wow...I hadn't heard her story until your post (and clicking on the other links you provided). What a touching story...thank you for posting it.
Thanks for bringing light to this. 68% is awesome, still 32% to go. Gob Bless.
WeaselMomma, you always say it so well.
very well done.......
happy Easter.......
My heart has been hurting for days, but the knowledge that so many people care and so many people are reaching into their pockets to donate to charity because of Maddie's passing makes it slightly easier to bear.
Yikes! I had no idea. SIDS of IL has done so much and is a very needed organization. I'll definitely do what I can.
what a great organization. I hope they can keep their doors open. This economy is hitting everything so hard. I can hardly stand it.
Hi Weaselmomma. My name is Bonnie. I'm a friend of Debbie's and I help with her show. Debbie is out of town this week visiting a blog friend and I'm' guest blogging for while she is gone.
My heart goes out to Maddie's family. Thank you for posting the link to the donation site. Thank you for letting me visit.
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