The Fabulous Melisa of Suburban Scrawl fame is back from her whirlwind trip to New York City. What? You didn't know that she was on vacation? Well, she did leave us some auto posts so that we wouldn't start shaking from withdraw while she was frolicking with the family.
Melisa was sweet enough that even on a family holiday, she kept those of us in the blogosphere close to her heart and brought us back some souvenirs! How awesome is that? Since she couldn't take all of us on vacation with her, she has brought her vacation back to the internets so that we may all go on a virtual trip with her family and have the souvenirs to prove it!
Melisa is hosting a fabulous cat fight contest to decide who gets all the lovely vacation paraphinalia. Now I will let Melisa tell you about it in her own words, excerpted from Suburban Scrawl: Comments in read are mine.
Included in the Grand (and only) Prize?
----> An I ♥ NY t-shirt (size L) Great for use as night wear.
----> A I ♥ NY mug Because no one has enough mugs
----> A souvenir M&M World penny A 51 cent value
----> A nifty Statue of Liberty pen, featuring a ferry that moves when you tilt it. You know you want it!
----> 5 assorted postcards (unused, of course: DUH) To show off your virtual vacation
----> Peppermints from Dylan's Candy Bar Note that they sell chocolate, but she brought us back mints. I wonder if she's hinting at something.
----> A sample of Reese's Select Clusters (from the Times Square Hershey Store) It barely got squished at the bottom of her purse!
----> A totebag from the Times Square Virgin Megastore, which closed over the weekend Because people always laugh when I have any type of wear proclaiming "Virgin".
----> A purse-sized bottle of Bath & Body Works Hand Sanitizer (new: it was extra!) Could be another hint.
And now, for the rules. As I mentioned, I have posts coming up for the next ten days (at least!) about my trip. (I promise to do my best to be entertaining.) You will get one entry in the drawing each time you leave a comment on each of my posts, today through April 13. You can only get one entry PER POST, so there is no need to do any of that silly off-the-deep-end amount of commenting on each post sort of thing. So if I do ten posts between today and April 13 and you comment on every single one, you will have ten entries in the drawing. (If I go nuts and post every day, making 13 posts, you can get 13 entries! It's that easy! Crazy, huh???)
For the rest of the info click on the Scrawl Links and sit through Melisa's vacation slides Pictorial Virtual Vacation.
So go take an awesome tour at Suburban Scrawl and take the most economical and fun filled family vacation ever!

Your comments in red are hysterical, only because they're here and not on my blog.
Thanks for posting about this! I know you really want that M&M World penny.
Wow! Very cool! I'm off to check out Melisa's blog!
Great, somebody got to go on a great vacation and all we get is the pictures? Looks like I'm going to have to add Melisa to my "check em out" blog list. Thanks...
I'm not sure I can live without that t-shirt. I'm off to check out the contest...
good luck! I hope you win!
i totally see through this ruse of yours. you're just getting out of coming up with your OWN post by posting about melisa's vacation. cheater!
oh, yeah, i guess your little red comments were cute.
but you're still a cheater :)
Thank you for heading up the snark parade. I was a little worried I was going to be the only one beating that drum on Dylan's ;) I want GOOD candy. Chocolate candy. Not that peppermints would be bad (ya, we still love you, Melisa). Loved the commentary!
I'm a 30 minute train ride from Mid-town. H,, if I'd have kept up!!!?
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