Oh what a beautiful morning! The sun was shining on my face at 4:30am to gently wake me, well okay, maybe it was the bathroom light, but it sure felt like warm sunshine. The birds are singing the flowers starting bloom and all seems right with the world. Today is a good day.
What's so great about today, you ask? Today is the day that I kiss Mr. Weasel goodbye and send him out the door to work! That's right, Mr. Weasel has landed himself a job!!!!!! Although I will miss having him around and and an extra set of hands around here, I am happy to kiss him goodbye and kiss a paycheck hello. Oh happy day! It's been a long winter and this is a great way to welcome in the spring.
This is also the last day of school before Spring Break. I love having the Weasels home and the chance to just enjoy being with them without having to worry about homework and rigorous schedules. We don't have any major plans, just a nice relaxing week doing whatever we feel like that day.
And just to throw a cherry on top of my day, I found this in my email this morning:
Ok, I finally did it. I started a blog. My first post is up. The address is www.surprisedmom.blogspot.com. I still can't believe I'm doing this, but what the heck. I need to write again. Who know's what will inspire me from day to day? Let me know what you think.
Surprised Mom
Surprised mom is a dear friend with a wonderfully sharp wit and humor. I have known her for years and have been encouraging her for a while now to start a blog. She finally jumped off that cliff and I couldn't be happier. I ask that all of you wonderful people give her a warm bloggy welcome. Stop by and say hi, introduce yourselves and click the follow button. You will thank me later.

Your friends got a nice little blog going on there. Needs to have comments set for URL/NAME. That's how I comment.
As for a good day, so far I agree. Yesterday was the day from hell.
Do me a favor; ask her to add the "Name/url" option to her comments so people like me can leave her a comment. Thanks.
It's a banner day in Weaselville! Congratulations! You must be breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Wonderful news! What are you going to do with all your free time now that you don't have to babysit the Mr.?
Enjoy your bon bons! :)
I am so happy for your family! We are enjoying break now - it is a lovely thing.
Hooooo ray! Mr Weasel is amongst the employed masses! Congrats to him, and blessings upon all of you. I'm happy things worked out for you all!
I'm always up at 04:15, so if you ever worry he needs a wake-up call service, you let me know!
Thanks Weaselmomma for mentioning me on your blog. I've already got comments on the post! I'm still getting the mechanics down, so I'm working on the url/name thing. Writer I may be, computer genius ... um, no. Thanks again, this is going to be fun!
WOW...awesome! Kudos!
Yeah! I am so glad he got a job and that you are not moving to Canada =)! Next time I am in town we are so celebrating.
Great news that dad is back to work. I am off to check out your friends blog.
@ KV and NukeDad ~ Thanks for the heads up, I've now sent instructions.
@ Melisa ~ I couldn't have said it better myself!
@ Terri ~ I am completely breathing again. This is a wonderful day indeed.
@ Melissa ~ I think my home will be clean again, and my butt a little less wide.
@ Seashore ~ The clouds have opened and the angels are singing!
@ Tom ~ Thanks for all of your support and prayers over the past 5 months.
@ Charlie ~ Thanks a bunch, but that is my normal wake up time. It was very early for the MR. though.
@ Surprised ~ I am so excited that you are are doing this and want to support you and way I can.
@ Bellas Daddy ~ Thankyouverymuch!
Very cool, another blogger to check out.
My kids are off this past week and I'm off next week with the wife. Time to hit Disneyland without the kids, yeepie!!!
Woo hoo!! Congratulations to the Weasel Family!! I'm off to check out Surprised Mom's blog. enJOY your time with your kids!
Congrats to Mr. W!
That's super exciting!
Yippee...woohooo!!!! I'm so happy for you all,& that you haven't moved to Canada!! We'll continue to pray for you all, & I truly hope you'll start to get more sleep & less continuous-loop video in your head. I am SO, SO happy for you!!!
So great! A job! And in a week or so a paycheck! Hope your day continued to be great!!!
You have been so strong and positive through all this. I hope the job works out well and holds.
Woohoo! Congrats on the new job, that is awesome. Now off to check out your friends new site.
Congrats. Sounds like thing are getting better in the Weasel household. That is AWESOME!
Congrats to Mr. Weasel!!!! thank God!
I'll have to visit her blog!
Happy Easter!!
Yay! Congrats to Mister Weasel! That's an awfully early morning, but glorious probably does a great job of describing it. So does he love the new job?
And wow you guys have a late spring break! We're almost three weeks removed from ours!
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