What a better way to show Dad how much he deserves a day off to be honored and appreciated in a special way than to spend Father's Day with the family. In my defense, Mr. Weasel was told that we could do whatever he wanted to do for Father's Day. The kids wanted to go to the zoo. I said I could take them there all day so that he could nap, play or whatever he felt like doing.
In his tireless job of being a great dad, he said he wanted to come with us. He has been working long hours lately and will be for months to come. So he wanted to spend time with the kids that they had been missing out on.
So today I will highlight for you how that day went and you can see for yourself why Mr. Weasel deserves a day off and why Mr. Weasel considers going to work to be like vacation.
*Realizing that Weasels are happy and quite, the Mr. and I sneak upstairs and lock the door for some mommy and daddy time to talk (wink, wink). There were no less than 7 separate interruptions in the form of knocking on the bedroom door.
*All set for gift giving time, Mr. Weasel opens a box with a model of the Star Ship Enterprise (to eventually place of his own desk in his own office) only to find out that although the box is huge the model is only 1/1000000th scale in size, scratched and damaged. It has to be returned.
*After walking around the zoo for a while the Weasels start to entertain themselves by poking at each other with sharp pointy sticks, both figuratively and literally.
* Mr. Weasel takes Monkey Weasel (9) to a park bench off to the side to 'have a talking to'. When finished and ready to continue our trek in 90 degrees and 95% humidity, smart aleck Boy Weasel pipes up "Dad, can you give me a talk too now???". The Mr. Plays along and gives a mock finger waving session to the Boy. The Boy (12 1/2), plays comedian by stating "Wow, I have a few strange years ahead of me". We lost it. No way we could have kept straight faces.
*While on our 7 hour death march through the heat of the zoo, Smallest Weasel (5) was most excited about seeing the chipmunks that run loose all over the place.
*After the zoo, we went to a family friendly bar and grill. A favorite place of ours for dinner. Mr Weasel ordered an Austrian beer called Samichlaus with 14% Alc. by Vol., served in a long stem glass, that he found potent and delicious (especially to wash down a 7.5% variety).
*During dinner Boy Weasel (sitting on my left) says something like 'you're full of crap' to Middle Weasel (11 1/2 and sitting on my right). I give him a mock smack upside the head as he laughs at me and Middle Weasel says something in retort using the word crap and laughing. I give her the same smack and Boy rebuts using 'crap' and she rebuts with 'crap' and the smacking continues back and forth 3 Stooges style. It was a genuine crapfest.
*Mr. Weasel, feeling the effects of his beverage, laughs and says "what's up with all the crap" and the entire table looses it. Smallest Weasel, sitting next to Daddy then pipes in with "crap right back atcha Dad". There was no longer any semblance of public decorum.
*The Weasels had been torturing us all day with calls of ice cream after dinner. Mr. W had said no, they had already had enough treats for any one day. As he became more socially lubricated with the help of his beverage, they asked again and he said yes.
*I told Mr. Weasel I think he is cut off. He responded with "That's what I thought too, until 10:30 this morning". My family if full of comics.
*Without missing a beat, Eldest Weasel (15) asked if I could order him another round so that they could ask for a trampoline and/or a puppy. "who knew all you had to do was get Dad a little buzzed?"
Needless to say, I did not order another round and I did the driving home. Well that's the round-up of our Father's Day and I think it points to Mr. Weasel deserving an entire vacation all by himself. It was a great and funny Father's Day Weasel style. I hope all of yours was this full of fun, family and laughter.

NICE Weasel Day!!!
I have a feeling that if one of your family units are out of the family outing, it's not as much fun.
You all sound like you have wonderful relationships with each other.
Sounds like it was a great day! I LOVE the way your kids think LOL!!
Hope you all had a fantastic Father's Day weekend..sounds like you did!
Sounds so fun...I hope that your Mother's Day was this much fun, too!
Sounds like my kind of day...except the walking around the zoo in the heat part. Blech!
I'm surprised Eldest Weasel didn't think to ask about that family vacation...
Imagine how boring your life is going to be when the weasels have left the nest! Happy Belated Fathers Day~~
"I hope all of yours was this full of fun, family and laughter."
You forgot to add "full of crap too"!
@ Andrew's Daddies ~ You have no idea how true that is.
@ Jason ~ Oh yeah. They are all as twisted as their parents.
@ Angie ~ It was a hoot, Weasel Style.
@ Laura ~ MD was good, but this was more fun.
@ Melisa ~ It surprised me too.
@ Mrs 4444 ~ I'm sure they will just bring more back with them, lol.
@ Jaimie ~ Yes, and full of crap too.
What an awesome day! Well, except for the momanddadtimeinteruptus in the morning. That sucks. I hate it when that happens. Oh, and we got that heat starting today. I'm ready to move north now.
14% beers rock but don't tell my kids I'll agree to anything after having a few, they haven't figured it out yet...
Happy belated Father's Day to your hubby!
Sounds like you all had a fabulous celebration.
What a great and hilarious Father's Day Weasel style! But seriously, you walked around the zoo in that heat and humidity? I mean I know you like it hot, but . . .
Seriously, I hope Mr. Weasel had a wonderful Father's Day! He so deserves it!
After reading this post, I want to come out and play with you guys!
What a great DAD day!! Your family is too much fun!!
Sounds like you all had a great day! Happy Belated Fathers Day to Mr. Weasel. I hope you didn't get any crap on your hands during the smackfest.
I hope that you and Mr. Weasel got to finish your talk later. :) Couples need to communicate with each other.
Wow thats a fun filled day. You didn't go into much detail about "Your talk" LOL.
Glad you all had fun. Crapfest. Nice. Here it's shit. all over 21.
Mr. w should have had a few, what the crap!
LMBO -- omy, sounds like our kinda of day here
What fun. Who knew you could pack so much entertainment and family lore-building into one single day? A Father's Day to remember, for sure! A belated Happy Father's Day to mr. Weasel, btw!
Hi, I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
@ OhCaptain ~ The entire day worked out great in the end and had the full flavor of Weaselville.
@ Tara ~ And that is the spice of life.
@ Surprised ~ Yeah, I was happy to have it feel like summer finally.
@ Cheffie ~ We certainly had a good time.
@ NukeDad ~ Thank God for antibacterial soap.
@ Busy ~ Oh yeah communication complete.
@ Oscar ~ It mostly involved laundry, schedules and chores, hehehe.
@ Beautiful ~ Glad to know we are not the only crazy ones.
@ Tom ~ A good day it was.
@ Veronica, thanks for coming by. I hope to see you again soon.
My hats off to Mr. Weasel!
Oh how fun. Mostly.
I'm just impressed you were able to umm talk with five children at home. We don't even try with two. Unless we know they're asleep. I bet you're good at locking the door though... that or they're really well-trained on that knocking thing!
Sounds like you all had a Weasel-rific day at the zoo. I am jealous that it was *only* 90 degrees for your trip, I took the Poose on Monday and it was all of 98 with a heat index of 107 and no clouds to break up the sun! Fun day though. I'll admit to stealing the idea from you!
Just saying Hi, I saw the link here on MomoFali's blog. You Meat Wagon Mamas are AWESOME!!
I'm so glad you had a fun day. Despite the heat...and having to be the designated driver!
Sounds like a fun day was had by all!
Also sounds like your kids are a little bit too wise. Be afraid!
Sounds like a great day! I never thought of getting my husband liquored up and then asking him for stuff! I shall try that no later than this weekend!
I'm thinking Mr. W enjoyed himself in spite of all the "problems." Who wouldn't? Can I come next time?
From one "zoo" to another. Happy belated Father's Day to your hubby...
How fantastic is it that your youngest was most impressed with the chipmunk roaming the zoo. Too funny!
If Niecey sees this post I think she will swipe some extra home brews for Mr. Weasel before we visit as a plan B for our "secret" plot to become weasels, lol!
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