After a lovely Friday afternoon hanging out with our backyard neighbors in their pool, I was reluctantly going to make dinner. I didn't feel like making dinner. I was too relaxed and didn't want to exude any effort. The Weasels wanted to order pizza. I too wanted to order pizza, but already had hamburgers and hot dogs all prepped to go on the grill. Pizza was out, or so I thought.
I pulled out the charcoal to light the grill. It didn't want to light. Some days I have no problem getting it going quickly. Today wasn't one of those days. Every time the flame caught, it went right out again. The charcoal just wouldn't light easily. I kept playing with it and relighting. Finally it lit. I waited a few minutes to let the grill heat before tossing the burgers on.
Cooking over indirect heat, as opposed to directly over the flame to prevent flare ups, I had a few minutes to talk over the fence with with my neighbor. I had Boy Weasel turn the sprinklers on in the front yard and soon we would be eating.
A full 2 minutes later, Boy Weasel called to me, "Mom.........THE PORCH IS ON FIRE!". I turn around to see that for the first time ever, Boy Weasel wasn't getting over excited about a small flare up. The porch was indeed ON FIRE! Flames were shooting about 3 feet out from the porch, where the charcoal bin had caught fire. Oh, the irony.
I went running around to the front of front of the house to grab the hose that was still attached to the sprinkler. My neighbor called for her husband to come help me and he cleared the back fence with a fire extinguisher in hand (very impressive actually). He attacked the back side of the fire, while I hosed down the front. It only took about a minute to put the flames out and I was very grateful for the help.
The damage was fairly minimal, compared to what it could have been (2 more minutes and the house would have caught). There are a few scorched floor boards and part of the railing that will need to be replaced before winter, they lost some strength and integrity. A plastic caster wheel from the grill melted into the porch and the charcoal bin melted down to 1/3 it's original size. The charcoal grill will not be usable. I do not think that replacement parts will attach easily to melted mountings. We'll be cooking with gas this summer (much less flammable - hah!).
I consider us to be very lucky. Not only did Boy Weasel see and alert us to the fire in time to put it out and save out house, we got to order pizza for dinner.

I thought you were kidding with that "putting out fires" tweet you sent. I'm so glad that your house didn't go up in smoke!
And I hope you enjoyed the pizza.
Good thing you were outside and not in the house Twittering!
Your Tweets about this cracked me up (see, I always laugh in times of danger). Glad to hear you were able to put it out and suffered minimal damage. Did you go buy a fire extinguisher?
Well, you did get that charcoal lit good and proper.
Glad everyone's okay.
Talk about flame broiled. Thank god you caught it early.
You use charcoal? Wow, maybe we should all chip in and get you a gas grill.
Actually a charcoal fire is best for taste when you get itright. but hey..
@ Melisa ~ I only ate one little baby piece, but I didn't have to cook!
@ Momo ~ That was pure luck!
@ Mrs4444 ~ That's not a bad idea. Maybe that would be a good investment.
@ Tom ~ Never let it be said that I don't know how to light up a grill.
@ Oscar ~ Luckily we already have a gas grill. This summer I am going all Hank Hill, "Propane, taste the food, not the fuel".
Wow, I saw your tweets about it, but I didn't think it was this bad. I'm very glad to see everyone is OK.
You really know how to light up your world, don't you? I'm glad everyone is safe and sound. Kudos to Jack for not getting hysterical and alerting you to the fire so quickly. Kudos to your neighbor for clearing the fence and helping you put out the fire. Are you considering a gas grill now?
Are you in training for a new career as a fire fighter?
I'll be the pizza tasted yummy after your encounter with the fire god.
If you wanted to order pizza that badly you should've just ordered pizza ;)
I'd love to have seen the Mr. Weasel's expression.
Way to go neighbour!
I'm glad you're all safe. And that you like pizza.
I think you used too much boy scout juice to get it going. Glad all of you weasels got out of it without scorched pelts.
WOW! I'm glad everyone is OK. Great job Boy Weasel - you saved the day!
well, I had a fleeting thought of ordering pizza for dinner tonight, but I'm going to stick with leftovers & pray my house is still standing!!
There's a hot time at the Weasel household tonight.
Glad to hear it all worked out okay...
Holy Moly! LMAO
Glad you didn't burn the house down!
All I can say is thank goodness for Boy Weasel and neighbor. Though it does seem like an extreme way to justify pizza.
Yikes... next time you want pizza, order pizza! The whole world was trying to tell you. SOOO glad that this wasn't the disaster it could have been. I'm guessing a Big Green Egg isn't going to be the replacement grill though, huh?
YIKES! WAY TO GO BOY WEASEL!!! Glad it all turned out well.
@ PJ ~ Very lucky for us, it was minor compared to what it could have been.
@ Surprised ~ Boy done good. Neighbor was a big help. I didn't barely eat and pizza when it got here.
@ Jason ~ Mr W came home just minutes after the fire was put out.
@ Sadia ~ Thank you. I am grateful.
@ NukeDad ~ Luckily, none of us singed our fur.
@ Cheffie ~ He definitely saved the day.
@ Laura ~ Good luck. I hope this wasn't an omen.
@ Mike ~ This is always a hot place to be. Except during the winter months.
@ Beautiful ~ Not nearly as glad as I am.
@ de-I ~ maybe I was being a little extreme in my methods.
@ Michelle ~ Big Green Egg?
@ OhCaptain ~ Thank you.
WHAT?!?!?!? No photos??
Come on now... A photo is worth a thousand words...
I know you saw the photos of fire in MY neighborhood?? Very similar start... Charcoal briquettes...
Oddly familiar.
Glad everyone was OK and your home was spared..
Geez... from uber relaxed to an uber adrenaline rush. Don't ya hate that?!?!
OMG! So glad it didn't get out of hand. I'll bet that was the best pizza ever after the near disaster.
So much for relaxed! Only at your house can these things happen...that's why i miss you so damn much!
Glad it was quickly spotted (sharp eye Boy Weasel!) and safely contained before causing more damage! I didn't see your back yard since it was blizzarding when we were visiting but you might want to consider putting in a concrete grilling area.
And be careful, Niecey and my "secret" plot won't work if there isn't a Weasel Nest to "sneak" into you know...
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