If you haven't heard yet, this Sunday Melisa, Surprised Mom and myself are going to reclaim our youth. We are taking a road trip to see one of the coolest bloggers out there. We are passing this off as a humanitarian aid mission, but honestly, this is going to be stupid amounts of fun and I get to meet in person a super fantasmic chick who's autograph I've always wanted that I love to read. None other than Momo Fali!!!!!
Here's the deal. We are working on saving the life of a 7 10 I've been corrected year little girl. A sweet precious child who inadvertently left the door of the freezer in the garage open when retrieving a popsicle. Said freezer was full of meat stores to feed the family for the next year. There was an entire cow in there. *note for any vegetarian/vegan/PETA types ~ don't get all bent out of shape here. If God didn't want us to eat them, He wouldn't have made them so tasty*. A cow that completely defrosted beyond salvage. A cow that this family needs.
So this really big hearted guy started the ball rolling to replace the families food stores through the generosity and community of the blogosphere. I said "I have a cow in my freezer too! I can donate lots of cow! I just can't cover the travel expense to take that cow 12 hours roundtrip". So, Mr. My Heart Is Super Big sent out the word and we have started collecting donations to cover the cost of the trip and the cost of replacing the chicken, pork and popsicles that were also lost at the time.
We are leaving Chicago around 6am Sunday morning and will be live tweeting the road trip every step of the way *You really want to make sure that you are following us on Twitter* using Melisa's Twitter account mostly, but follow all 3 of us to make sure you don't miss any of the fun. We have all kinds of fun activities planned, like "Ask WM a question" and any other goofy gimmick we can come up with. We will be laughing, singing and having a great time acting as if we still have the stamina for road trips that we had in college. We will be doing the entire roundtrip of 12 hours all on Sunday, because we all need to be home on Monday Morning.
Many of Momo's blogging friends have already donated, but the window for donations to Momo's Meat Wagon is still open through Saturday. We are working through paypal via sending donations (any amount is appreciated) to weaselmomma@yahoo.com .
If you don't already know Momo Fali and her blog, you really want to! You want to follow her on Twitter and become a regular reader at her place. You can thank me later.
So maybe this should be a Community Friday Post as oppossed to FatherHood Friday but what a better way to celebrate Fatherhood is there than to teach your children about good deeds, community and caring for your fellow man. There is good going on in this world. This is a great opportunity for you and your family to be part of it.

Oh my! Have an excellent time!
Have a safe trip!
46 hours and counting!
For the record, I never went on a college road trip. This has the potential to be wilder than any of us can remotely imagine.
I'm going out to get our embroidered commemorative t-shirts this morning.
(j/k, but wouldn't that be hilarious?)
For the record, my daughter is 10 years old, which makes her old enough to know that she needs to shut the freezer door...which makes her much more likely to get in big trouble. I just thought you should know that you're REALLY saving a life here.
For everyone who reads this, for everyone who has donated and/or sent best wishes...thank you. I can not put into words what this has meant to me. It has been a tough time around here and you guys have lifted my spirit more than you will ever know.
I can't wait to see you! Please be safe!
Maybe this can be worked into a sequel to Thelma & Louise? LOL...Such a cool idea...have a BLAST...
What a fine plan!!
Best of luck!
I cannot WAIT to read/watch the reports from this trip. It's going to be epic in the truest sense.
Many thanks to you and your co-horts for stepping up and making this a reality!
Awesome, awesome thing you guys are doing here. I smell a movie contract, or maybe it's just the meat wagon. Either way, I will be following along from way over here in Jersey. Safe travels.
This is all so awesome!!! and sweet!!! and proves that the people in the internet are not all crazy serial killers.
I have to LMAO about your PETA comments. heeeheee
I hear the film crew from "John & Kate Plus 8" may be looking for work soon; maybe you can have them document the trip and then turn it into a reality TV series?
@ Seashore & Jason ~ Follow us on Twitter this Sunday! It should be hilarious.
@ Melisa ~ What? Just Kidding? I want shirts.
@ Momo ~ The age is fixed and this is truly our pleasure.
@ Bella Daddy ~ We joked about that but want a better ending.
@ Charlie ~ The response from the blogging community has been awesome.
@ Tom ~ Thanks to you for organizing this and making it possible.
@ Liz ~ It's gonna be great! You can come along virtually.
@ Beautiful ~ serial killer and philanthropic are not mutually exclusive, lol.
@ NukeDad ~ What do you think that pays?
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, I am so truly looking forward to getting up at 4 a.m. to be at your house by 5:30 a.m. As long as no photos are being taken, I'll be fine. Seriously, I am SO looking forward to this trip! I get to meet two bloggers, have a hilarious time getting to and from and haven't taken a road trip since I went to Canada in college. Thanks to Tom for getting the ball rolling, you and Melisa for thinking up the road trip and to everyone who has donated. What a wonderful group of people!
Good luck on the road trip! We just ate homemade burgers last night so I'm in.
Embroidered shirts? Iron-on transfers are so much quicker!
Have fun and safe travels. :)
Have fun on the trip. You are doing a wonderful thing. Acts of kindness are always refreshing.
Good lesson indeed. Cow's definitely taste good.
I'm either totally dense, or missing something very important, but I can't find how to help at PayPal. Do you have a direct link I can go to?
Have a safe trip and have a great time visiting with Momo.
That is awesome, good for you.
I look forward to your tweets on Sunday, and I will pray for a safe trip for you both. You are doing a good deed indeed. -Jason
You're an awesome person WM - Have a great time.
Man, I can't tell you how much this blogging shit has touched me. When I started writing, I thought it was just for writing's sake. I never expected to join a community of such amazing, thoughtful people. Fantastic and YES Momo's blog is awesome. As is yours...
Shoot! Only 12 hours??? You guys are insane! I'm also bummed, you will be in my neck of the woods and I have family coming in tomorrow.
I'd be happy to donate some wine. Not sure how that would go with your beer!
Thats an utterly awesome thing you are doing there...
Hopefully PETA people wouldn't have a beef with you helping that family...
It sounds like it will be a long day. Don't have a cow if you hit some traffic.
*sigh* Okay, I'm done now. Have fun!
HOW COOL!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Have fun!
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