The Weasels and I are enjoying some wonderful down time in a cottage on lake with dear friends. Yesterday was a day at the beach, literally. My friend K and I sat in beach chairs watching her kids and mine search for shells, bury each other in the sand, lose an inter tube raft to the current of the bay splash around in the water and just enjoy summertime.
After dinner and the traditional eating of the food and roasting of the marshmallows Smallest Weasel started falling apart in a 'I had way to much fun today and am too tired to act reasonable' kind of way. K gave me a hand in trying to soothe this over tired rodent while the rest of the gang swung in the tree, ran through the yard and burnt off the sugar rush that only adding chocolate and graham cracker to said marshmallows can bring on.
The younger children had been bathed an pajamered. They frolicked in the yard while grown-ups were distracted trying to keep Smallest Weasel from reaching critical mass. Suddenly, Middle Weasel comes bursting into the room, " T (7 yr old boy) is putting bugs in his pants!". Laughter ensued among the moms, as we new he was only wearing the boxer briefs that he would be sleeping in. As it turns out, lightening bugs or fireflies or whatever you would like to call them will glow and illuminate a young boys underwear from the inside out, bringing said boy boundless joy and laughter.
Today we are off to another fun filled day of adventure and when any of the children start to have a meltdown I am just going to hand them a lightening bug.

I am so putting lightning bugs in my shorts tonight
Man, that sounds nice! I'm off to work. Wanna trade?
Maybe you should bring some of those lightning bugs back for Suburban WoW.
As a boy scout I've done and seen a lot of things, but I've never seen anyone put lightning bugs in their shorts. That's pretty funny.
@ Mr. Weasel ~ I think I am better off not knowing what you do when I'm not at home.
@ Oh Captain ~ Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm good.
@ Melisa ~ I don't think we want those exact ones.
@ PJ ~ I have an odd feeling that you are going to try this one out.
If you change your mind. I'll leave the offer on table indefinitely.
I have to pass this sage advice off to my daughter with her brood of under five yearolds. She has lots of fireflies in FL where she lives and she certainly sees lots of meltdowns.
I haven't heard from you or stopped by here in a while. I hope you are enjoying the summer and your vacation.
Fireflies are good for all sorts of things ;)
That's too funny about the lightning bugs. Oh boy, I've been there with the over tired tantrum...
Enjoy the rest of your trip!!
Not sure if I should share this post with Niecey or not, lol!
When I was a kid, I used to kill them while in the shine mode..then I would take the glow off and put it on my finger and pretend it was a ring...
Which do you think is worse?
LOL..Glad you are having a great time!!! Enjoy...we miss you around dad-blogs.
Bugs in the shorts? How creative! How hysterical! I hope you're enjoying yourself immensely and that if any of the Weasels have a meltdown, there are plenty of lightning bugs around.
In the pants - ahhh the creative minds of children! At least he wasn't using them as war-paint!
Wow, you get a great blogher weekend and then a fun week away with the family. Lucky you!!
Now that's a vacation. It sounds like so much fun. I wish I were there, too. Keep the enjoyment up -- and have a s'more or two for me. Yummmm!
And you said you'd have no internet. Ha!
I miss lightening bugs. Never tried putting them in my pant.
This is a joy that children here on the west coast will just never know. Nor will their parents. Enjoy those fireflies!
Lightning bugs in jars was as far as I went when I was a kid. Or smushing them along the sidewalk to see the green streak (I have issues). Can't wait til my kid is old enough to try the bugs in the pants thing! Enjoy vacation!
@ OhCaptain ~ Don't you think for one minute it's not appreciated.
@ de-I ~ I should write a parenting book for off the wall nutjobs.
@ Otter ~ Sorry I have been so neglectful. July has been so busy (I've barely been home) doing bloggy things that I haven't had much time to read or blog.
@ Heather ~ You should write up a list for us.
@ Jason ~ Thanks it's been great. I will be home in August, I think.
@ Micro ~ Share the info and have someone take pics!
@ Andrew's Daddies ~ That's a pretty good trick. I like it.
@ Surprised ~ Thanks, it has been great.
@ Seashore ~ War paint is another funny idea.
@ Manic Mommy ~ It certainly feel like I am living the life.
@ Michelle ~ They recently installed wi-fi here, to my great surprise.
@ Tara ~ No lightening bugs near you? I will send you some if you promise to have them light up your pants and post video.
@ Tom ~ Oh, we need to get Michael some fireflies! That would make for great posting.
So funny! Glad that you are having a great time!
enJOY the rest of your trip!
Lightning bugs in the underwear! Hmmm. I'm going to try this out on Mr. Terri Terri soon. :-)
Bugs huh, so thats what you're calling them...
That is AWESOME. I love it!
Sorry-I didn't realize you had been posting in her while you were gone. (Of course, if you'd post every day, I would know to come daily...hinthint.)
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