Okay, I am back from "The Convention That Shall Not Be Named". I have decided to call it that because I am sure that everyone who wasn't there has been so inundated with posts and tweets about it that they might don a gorilla mask, stilettos and go weasel hunting if they read one more little tidbit about you know what.
Instead, I offer for your reading pleasure some highlights of things I've learned over the course of WeaselMomma's Weekend ~ Yeah, that's a good cover.
* BusyDad doesn't call security when he gets accosted by a crazed fan in a hotel lobby.
* Mr. Lady is okay with strangers sitting in her lap and taking pictures.
* Melisa with 1 S can find bargain Margaritas in downtown Chicago.
* Honest and Truly, Michelle makes an awesome scout/tour guide/forward staff for any celebrity.
* Colleen (Mommy Always Wins) doesn't get mad when stiffed holding a bar tab.
* NYC Mama is very maternal will rock you like a baby if you sit on her lap and loves seamen.
* As Cape Cod turns is a crafty sweetheart that knows how to work the celebrity circuit.
* Mrs.4444 knows how to write one hell of a thank you note.
* Momo Fali rocks! Actually I already knew that.
* Flat Bad Momma drinks like a fish and will tackle you for swag.
* The Piper of Love will sit on the floor to give you her seat.
* Vodka Mom makes me feel tall.
.....and that folks was just the tip of the iceberg. I had a great weekend. How about you? Now I need a little vacation and will be unplugging from you for a week. Miss me, but don't cry too much. I'll be back soon.

Well I, for one, am looking forward to hearing lots more about the unnameable convention, personally.
Love all the pictures. Would love to see a picture of one of those margaritas, too - don't suppose you have one of that, do you?
And there are a whole lot of new blogs I need to check out! Will be starting my tour today, once I've actually woken up.
Glad you're back!
I don't even remember taking that picture, however I do remember getting a lot of free beer that night...oh and the $3.00 margaritas I had that afternoon. Maybe that's why I don't remember...
Wow that must have been a lot of fun!
Especially getting to meet the people you interact with in blogland!
Sounds like Lots of Fun! You met BusyDad. He was the first dad blog that I read and by clicking his blogroll that is how I got started in the first place. For Real! I should probably tell him that someday- that he inspired a dad blogger. Have a great vacation! -Jason
GREAT Photos! (haha)
Have a fun time being offline this week!
Not sure why everyone is afraid of talking about BlogHer (there, I said it!)
Those of us who did not go want to see photos & stories so we can live vicariously through you.
By the way, Flat Bad Momma is not talking! She is safe with my brother in an undisclosed downtown Chicago location. May have to put her into protective custody.
it looks like you had a good time!
No, wait...what do you MEAN...its OVER?!?!?
HOW FUN! GREAT PHOTOS! See you when you get back!
Love the photos! You girls looks so great! I'm glad you had a great time and look forward to more stories!
Have a great vacation! I don't know if you're actually going on vacation or taking a vacation from being online. Either way, have a blast!
Awesome photos! Have a great week decompressing. Sounds like a good idea to me...
Enjoy your unplugged time.
Okay, where are the really good "incriminating" photos? There is no way you guys all went to Chicago and "behaved" yourselves....
Everybody looks so..so..so happy!
My weekend? Not nearly as exciting as yours. So glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing your pics!
LMAO! Yes, I did love rocking you on my lap! You're so petite! (sigh) must I wait a whole year before I have that much fun with you again?!?!?! I am sad to think so!! Miss you!
The last one (Vodka Mom) was my favorite. Oh, and BTW, I forgot to add "generous" to my list of your attributes. You are an angel, my friend.
Thankfully, I can live vicariously through other's camera.
It was so fab to hang out with you this weekend and to actually meet the little weasels and Mr. Weasel! I am glad that you are decompressing on vacation with the family! Why didn't you ask us to come with you?
You were so much fun, Weaselmomma! SO VERY MUCH FUN! I cannot thank you enough for all the awesome things you did for me over the weekend!
Enjoy your week unplugged!
It was GREAT fun! Great meeting you at the opening day "Newbie" breakfast. Love your blog ~ Hope to read ya often!!!
Weasel on!
You're lucky I can take a hit. Otherwise, I'd have spent Blogher weekend nursing a concussion. But I wouldn't have it any other way! You win for "most enthusiatic squee" - hands down.
@ Tom ~ It was a great time and I met so many interesting people. More pics to come, I'm sure.
@ Momo ~ I'm sure that there is much that you don't remember :)
@ Oscar ~ Words can not explain the amount of fun that was had. Thankfully, cameras missed most of that same fun.
@ Devoted ~ I'm sure he would love to hear that story.
@ Melisa ~ I do have a nice little collection :)
@ Bad Momma ~ I'm sure you will hear plenty about it. Flat Bad Momma is mad woman!
@ Jason & de-I ~ You my dear sirs, are correct.
@ Colleen ~ It was great, but I'm glad it's over. I'm not 25 anymore and can't keep up that level of fun for more than 3 days.
@ Cheffie ~ Thanks, all of July has been a blast, but busy. I'm ready for some total R&R.
@ Surprised ~ Thanks. I'm sorry you weren't able to join us. You're feeling better I hope.
@ Kelly ~ Decompression is just what the doctor ordered.
@ Seashore ~ Thanks. I think I may be in your neck of the woods in the spring.
@ Mike ~ I can not confirm nor deny any allegations of misbehavior.
@ Terri ~ I'm sure you had your own brand of fun.
@ NYC ~ Or you can find an excuse to come back to Chi-Town.
@ Mrs4444 ~ The feeling is very mutual.
@ Charlie ~ Don't worry, some day you will find the 'real killer' and you can clear your good name.
@ Sue ~ What was I thinking? Would like to come on vacation with us?
@ Heather ~ You are a sweetheart and I'm glad that I got the chance to meet you.
@ House ~ It was nice meeting you also. I hope to check out your blog soon.
@ BusyDad ~ I'm just gonna take that as a compliment. BTW, Was that a lego in your pocket???????.......
I wish the volume at BowlHer had been more conducive to introductions, because I found out later that it was you (and I'm not sure who else) who joined my wife and I briefly in our game in lane 2.
What a missed opportunity to shout greetings at each other while knowing who we are!
Great pictures. Looks like you had a good time!
Wow- yall are like, famous! ;)
I loved meeting you and now you have a new reader!! xoxox
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