This is my gift to you my dear readers. Thanks to Tungsten Carbide Rings, I am giving away a set of two Tungsten Carbide Bands (up to $240 total value) to one of you.
These rings are virtually scratch proof and come with a lifetime replacement warranty*. These attractive bands are perfect bling for anyone who works with their hands, likes to use their wedding band as a bottle opener or anyone (you guys out there) who don't wear their wedding for fear of scratching it.
So onto the details:
- The winner may choose up to 2 rings (up to total value $240) from the Tungsten Carbide collection only (as found on their website).
- Winner will be chosen by a random drawing.
- Leave me a comment for an entry. (One per reader)
- Gain a second entry by including in your comment a story or reason why these rings are perfect for you.
- Tweet this giveaway, and leave me the link in my comments for another entry.
- Link to this giveaway in a post for yet another 2 entries.
- Entries must be received by Midnight Friday July 17th.

Speaking as a professional "breaker of all things deemed unbreakable" this giveaway is totally made for me :) Thanks for hosting!
Tweeted this awesome giveaway:
Well, I do not have a wedding ring. Let me take that back. I do have a wedding ring but it is cut in half. See when I was pregnant with my first child I had to have my wedding band cut off. After she was born I just never got another one and it seemed every time I turned around something was going on, we were broke, or I was pregnant. Well it has been two years since the last time I had a baby and my husband keeps asking me when we are going to get me another wedding band. Its just not in our budget with the five children right now. If I won it would be FABULOUS because our anniversary is next month and what a surprise that would be! ( I might even consider changing my name to his if I win!)
Hit me with some bling!
The reason these rings would be perfect for me? Two words: my husband. The carsalesman, horse trainer, carpenter, mechanic, plumber. He's a genius, but for the love of pete, he's hard on things! Wait, that's more than two words!
My story why I would like this ring is because I have this rare disease that can only be treated by winning two tungsten carbide rings.
i won't die or anything. it'll probably pass.
thanks for listening.
Hey there! Just throwing my name into the hat. As for why...I wear 2 rings my wedding ring and a Flash logo ring. They are both full of scratches, have paint in all of the crevices, and the Flash ring is no longer round(I have no idea how it got this way but it has definitely been flattened...)
This would be great, please sign me up!!!
Tweeted this -
For me, as a guy, my wedding ring has seen better days. I wear it all the time and 11 years does take a toll when you are doing work around the house that can tend to get it scratched, banged up, etc. Every once in a while at the mall I will try and get it shined up, but it never tends to get cleaned up the way that my wife's ring does.Even my wife's ring though has seen some better days, as it has lost one of it's stones and I think she would be more apt to wear something like this for day to day wear so that she is not as afraid at losing any other stones. Thanks for the consideration!
I will never call it bling. I will never use that word again, but I would take a ring or two.
Enter me!
I do wear my wedding ring - since it's blessed and all, but I do not wear my engagement ring. It was scratching the children too often, and getting caught on everything so it has sat in a box for at least 8 years!
I want to be the blingiest hiker on the mountains. I figure that they are indigestible by bears so that if I get eaten, I can be identified.
The Mister needs a new ring. His is getting a bit well worn and a bit tight for his finger. Plus, we're at a time in our lives that scream out "new beginnings." What a way to celebrate the new beginnings. Beautiful rings.
Also posted on twitter!
I'm constantly losing jewelry! Just yesterday, I put myself on jewelry probation! LOL!
These are beautiful! Such a great giveaway!
Hubs and I have been married more than 23 years, the ol' wedding bands have been through a lot. These new ones would be a great way to start off our second 25 years together.
I tweeted this too:
I'm trying to picture using a ring to open a beer bottle. Granted, I have to hand the bottle to my husband anyway, but ... still trying to picture it. Quite unsuccessfully obviously.
Oh. And it would be perfect for my husband because the boy paid (ok, insisted *I* pay) an extra $200 so that he could have the special ring that was etched on part of the band and regular white gold on the rest. Within 13 months, it was allll smooth as a baby's butt. While he refuses to take it off (and that's a good thing), he's abusing that ring juuuuuust a little too much. We need indestructible. Badly.
Mr. Man needs some blingage *sparkle*. Do they make Tungsten Carbide "grillz"?
Oh, these are perfect for me. I'm a klutz who's always scratching & breaking things. During my first marriage, I lost the (decent-sized) diamond out of my engagement ring! Off to tweet about the giveaway.
ooooo!! pick me! pick me! i don't have a wedding ring either! ok, well i had a gorgeous wedding ring and engagement ring that somehow disappeared out of my house. i've spent hours looking for it. made hubby check the trap in the bathroom sink (MAJOR EEEWWW!) i even borrowed a metal detector to look for it out in the yard with no luck. oh, and i realized it was lost ON MY ANNIVERSARY :-(
These look fabulous! My husband is in construction and beats the crap out of his wedding ring. Love the indestructible-ness. Interesting.
I don't wear jewelry. Just watches. But will make up a story why I need to have one. And will spread the word at the Tavern.
I don't have time to tweet.
I'll give my award (If i am so lucky) to my best commenter. "Yes folks it could be yours!"
Hard core bling? I am in!!!
The rings look wonderful !! We would love to win them !!!
P.S. I tweeted this and I mentioned you on my latest post:
Wow.. those are sharp! My current wedding band is NOT! Let me expound..
I've always worked with my hands. I once was lifting a 300 pound roll of film by hand with my workmate. He let go of his end too soon and down came my end forcefully. My ring took the brunt of the blow and was actually smashed down on my finger cutting off my circulation. No problem though, I simply squeezed it back into shape (kinda) with some pliers.
Another time when I had dropped 20 pounds rather quickly, my ring fell off of my hand while I was walking. As it rolled in front of me on the pavement, I actually stepped on it and nearly smashed it flat!! Again, a pair of pliers got it back into shape (Kinda).
I'll be married 20 years this fall, and I wear my mishapen and scratched ring like a badge of honor. It's been through a lot, just like me and my bride! And while I'm okay with it, my wife keeps bugging me to "upgrade".
One main reason I've kept from doing so is because I KNOW I'm going to beat up the next one just as good as the first. These bad boys however sound right up my alley!! Could they really stand up to my abuse?!?
my soon to be husband works with his hands all day. Mechanic and tattoo artist!! =)
Okay, here is my blog post about needing to win this Give Away. I think I have five entries now.
I hope I win!
I'd love to win these rings!! I have a beautiful diamond, but it isn't always practical for a homeschool mom up to her elbows in bread dough. Thank you for the opportunity.
I would totally love these rings. Except now I feel all guilty leaving a comment when there are so many people who have no wedding rings... and that poor, poor man with the disease that can only be cured with these pretty rings. I have a disease too, it's called Four Kids Under Six. I don't think rings can help it, but sometimes bourbon does.
I AM the BIg Bad Daddy. What's more Big and Bad than Tungsten Carbide? Need I say more?
I'll bet I just missed the deadline. Damn busy weeks.
Hi!! Just stopping to say Hi! Don't need the rings- Hell, I'm trying to get rid of the ones I have.
(just kidding....)
Psssst. Let the Sits girls know about the giveaway - they might post it.
um. this was over yesterday, wasn't it?
I guess I'm two days late and $240 short. Anyhow, cool idea.
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