Happy Friday Everyone! Welcome back for another edition of Fatherhood Friday brought to you by the good folks of Dad Blogs. For some great reading on every topic Dad and Family related click on over.
*Don't forget ~ Today is the launch of Suburban Wow on Weather Kim TV. Click on over to see Melisa and I host the pilot episode of our very own talk show. Hilarity is sure to ensue @ 10am EDT/ 9am Central/ 8am Mountain and 7am Pacific ~ all simultaneously.*
You may remember reading *this post* in that I mentioned we were going adopt 3 legged hamster from a friend who wound up with an unexpected litter. Well, the Mom called me the other day to say that they were now big enough to leave their mother and could be picked up. While on the phone the mom mentioned that she saw the word sucker tattooed on my forehead that they had recently noticed the runt of the litter is paralyzed in it's 2 back legs. Poor little dude gets around just fine by dragging them behind him. "I know you have a soft spot for runts and underdogs. Would you consider adopting them both?". Maybe this is why I root for the Cleveland Indians.
Needless to say I am an idiot I couldn't bring myself to say no to this incredibly cute, albeit pathetic little rodent. We grabbed the supplies that we needed at the pet store (no real need for extra hamster wheels) and picked up the two newest rodent additions to Weaselville, Tenderfoot (missing a paw) and Gimpy (paralyzed in the back legs).
I must say that both little dudes (or dudettes, I can't tell) are really cute, sweet and gentle. They get around extremely well even with their disabilities ~it's really most impressive. The Weasels love them and are extremely kind and gentle with them. Even Smallest Weasel, in all of her 5 year old glory, holds and cares for them in a most loving way.
All of the Weasels do have a soft spot for any and all creatures, especially the less fortunate. It makes me a proud Mom to see the caring, love and compassion they have for those who are unable to care for themselves or those who are in need of a little extra help.
I also love that they are seeing these 2 little gimps getting around and climbing and doing without letting their handicaps slow them down one iota. I think they are learning some great lessons.

I always wanted hampsters or the like, but my much-better-half has this rule about rodents...
ah well....
I love the names! Congrats on your new additions! :)
Number 1 has been asking for a hamster for months now. I'm just trying to find the best time/reason to get him one. We rarely get things just because he asks and since we have zero supplies(unless my folks kept some of my old cages) we'll have to deal with all of the start up costs.
Nice work!
We had a diabetic hamster called Eric that used to go into diabetic comas - and to the untrained eye appeared dead. My mum had a plate warmer oven in her Aga - and Eric was put in there for five minutes and came back out alive! It amazed us every time.
Not recommended as a matter of course though!
You do know weasels will eat a hamster right? Nice to read that everyone is enjoying them. - Chuck
Wow, remind me to get your number...for calls in the future...truly a gifted, huge hearted family ;-)
NO NEED FOR EXTRA HAMSTER WHEELS!?? BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Thanks for the Friday laugh AND thanks for being such caring people. These poor little guys wouldn't stand much of a chance otherwise.
Awwe...welcome to the weasels litte one.
I'm upset because I could not get into your live stream show..it kept giving me a frequency error. I'm not happy
Rodents and WeaselChildren go together like chocolate and peanutbutter! It's gotta be love. I'm sure your new hampsters are very happy you adopted them. They are learning lessons, but seem to be teaching them as well. How do the hampsters and cats get along?
Great first show...I really hope you get more. Have a great weekend!
Doing the math, you have 1 1/4 hamsters.
I like NukeDad's idea of getting Gimpy a wheelchair. Or at least a Hoverround.
Simultaneously? Wow, you are very talented :) I love the names, you're killing me over here.
Careful; the little Weasels may learn that it's OK to poop in their cages, and that will make vacuuming much more of a challenge.
Great lessons to be learned by the kids. Weasels and hamsters all living under one roof...
While it is fab that the little weasels are so compassionate, I think I agree D is for Dad and suspect the Guild of Long Sharp Toothed Predators may in fact take legal action against them.
Ummmm... my husband needs a little extra help. Would you consider adopting him?
It was worth a shot...
I love that you nurture their compassionate side. Now for a kid project they should try to rig up some way to get the hamster more mobile. I'll have your whole family in physical therapy school before you know it :) Take Care -DD
Ahhh... if only I'd read this before I watched your streaming show this am (which I did once I woke up at 9:26 and went OH CRAP). I think you might win Melisa over to them eventually. They are awfully cute -- and I love that you took them in.
They are very cute. And it was great to "see" you yesterday morning!
Very sweet post (except for the hamster wheel part which was just downright hilarious)! Enjoy your new additions!
@ Charlie ~ They are pretty nice low maintenance pets, but not everyone does rodents.
@ Melisa ~ I do think the names are fitting.
@ Jason ~ May I suggest a 10 gallon aquarium. No escape issues that way.
@ Smallprint ~ That is funny and amazing. How did your Mom know to do that?
@ D is for Dad ~ Luckily for them, I am to lazy to skin them myself.
@ BellaDaddy ~ That is very kind of you to say.
@ Gertrude ~ Glad I could give you a good laugh.
@ Andrew'sDaddies ~ I'm so sorry that you couldn't get in.
@ Surprised Mom ~ The cats usually don't bother them. They occasionally lay atop of the cages, but we shoo them away. We put the cats in the basement when the hamsters come out to play.
@ Dad in Training ~ So glad that you liked it. There will be more to come TBA.
@ Tom ~ That's some funny math. Public school? They actually have all kinds of cute cars and travel devices for hamsters, but they are all foot powered like the Flinstones.
@ PJ ~ The time contortion took a lot of string pulling to make happen.
@ NukeDad ~ Looking at their bedrooms, it may already be too late.
@ Mike ~ Soon we will be holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
@ de-I ~ We prefer to get our dinner from the grocery store. They already have the hard work done for us.
@ Terri ~ Thanks for making me laugh. Break his legs and he's in.
@ Devoted Dad ~ That would be a very amusing project.
@ Michelle, Thanks for watching. What's a talk show without live animals on set?
@ Seashore ~ I was so happy to see you in the chat room.
@ Jonny Tam ~ I can take even the most sentimental moment and turn it into inappropriate humor.
Maybe you could build them little Lego prosthetics?
Looks like all my great ideas for wheel chairs & prosthetics have already been mentioned. I'm sure you also have an ADA approved cage...
I'll have to check out the show!
HA! gimpy! so NOT politically correct, i love it. i too am a sucker for the runts and/or underdogs. maybe that's why i was a braves fan back when it wasn't "cool" to be one.
The new rodents are cute, Niecey enjoyed watching them on your show =)
I love the comment about the Indians.
As a long suffering Phillies fan, I can relate.
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