Dolly's Version
WeaselMomma's Version
Rollin' outta bed
4:30 in the morning.
Stagger to the coffee,
before I start my morning.
Pat the dog's head
and hope she don't pee on the floor.
Quarter to 5
and time to wake the mister
5 o'clock, I wake oldest sister.
Better hurry up and make sure they get out the door.
This ain't no 9-5
and I don't make my own living.
My days are long
and I'm only paid in kisses.
I must use my time
to make lunch and do the dishes.
And the best is when my family gives me credit!
This ain't no 9-5
it's all service and devotion.
and I love my life
and all of it's commotion.
It's my family
my time is what I give them
and my office is the
counter in the kitchen.
6:30 in the morning
time to wake the young ones.
pull 'em outta bed and make them put their clothes on
force feed breakfast and make them brush their teeth.
7:15 and time brush hair,
gather the backpacks,
and to get outta here.
Drop the kids off and get on with the chores of the day.
This ain't no 9-5
but it's is something I love doin'
Sometimes I
Lose my mind
and get distracted from my mission.
It's my family
and lord knows how much I love them.
I have to hurry up and
get the meatloaf in the oven!
Ten til 3, and it's time to pick the kids up.
Get in the car and hope that there's no hold ups.
Open the door and have them climb in the car.
3;15 and how was your day?
Give out a snack and tell the dog to stay!
Time to do homework and finish the rest of the day.
5:00 have to pick up eldest,
Stuck in traffic listing to Elvis,
Make it on time, but only by the skin of my teeth.
Eldest drives home in rush hour traffic.
Trying to put her mother in a panic.
That's what we had the brakes installed for!
Gotta get home and dinner on the table.
Get School papers signed
and read them if I'm able.
Where's Mr. Weasel? He ought to be home soon.
Baths and bedtime
who has a quandary?
No time to sit, I have to laundry.
Boy takes the dog out before a kiss goodnight.
Mr. comes home and I just wanna kiss him.
He tells me his day and sit and listen,
All before he kisses me goodnight.
This ain't no 9-5
but there is nothing I love better.
Yes I, stay at home
and I wear a worn out sweater,
But my life is sweet
and there's nothing I love better.