It's Fatherhood Friday, so get on over to Dad-Blogs for links to some pretty great posts on all things Fatherhood.
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Today's post is a continuation of the 'The Talk' on the birds and the bees that the Weasels gave to me! Part I, Smallest Weasels version, is here.
Monkey Weasel (9 years)
Monkey Weasel thought I would understand much better is she used visual aids in the form of her stuffed animals, Pooh Bear and a Heffalump, to act out everything she was trying to explain to me. I sure do wish I had video of this.
One day Mrs. Bird (an already married heffalump?) was going out. Mrs. Bird was flying and so was Mr. Bee. By accident they crashed into each other. They both said "sorry" and both said "it's okay". After that thump, they liked each other and then decided to get married. After 1 month they had a baby boy (who was the spitting image of his father -in the form of a 2nd stuffed Pooh Bear).
My two cents ~ That must have been one heck of a thump! Actually, I am not surprised about the baby coming 1 month after their marriage because I know what kind party guy that Pooh Bear really is.
Middle Weasel (12 years)
Middle Weasel used fruit metaphors, complete with grapes, bananas, grapefruits and peaches to explain the facts of life to me. I won't go into more detail on this one ~I do try to keep this blog PG rated ~ but they all did live happily ever after.
Boy Weasel (13 years)
Boy Weasel also decided to go with visual aids. Individual hand drawn stick figures to be exact, and boy do I wish I had a scanner!
BW ~ (barely able to keep a straight face) God made man, then God made woman. God told them to be fruitful and multiply and so they did. About 7 months into pregnancy.......
Me ~ How'd we get there? What about.....
BW ~ I'm skipping to the good stuff! On this wonderful journey called pregnancy....., This is going to make an awful blog ~chuckle~ OH! YOU ARE BLOGGING THIS!!!! I should have thought this through better. Okay, the mom was in excruciating pain. She started to yell things I'm not allowed to write down (complete with drawing of long haired stick figure and thought bubble $#%*@). Now onto lesson two, enter Praying Mantis'.
(complete with more drawings) They were fruitful and multiplied a lot! ~ Skipping to the good stuff again. After she um, lays her eggs, she bites his head off and lays them inside his body.
Me ~ How did.....
BW ~ All questions must be in the form of an answer. Now onto part three, on the computer! And here it is:

Please tell me that you asked Eldest Weasel about this when she got home, and that you have a picture of her face when she told you "if you think I'm talking to you about this, you're totally nuts".
@ Melisa ~ I knew better than to to Even ask Eldest to participate and risk being burnt from the lasers shooting out of her eyes.
Thank heavens for WM and her Weasles...
I've been scratching my head trying to figure out the answers for a LONG time. Now I won't have to ask my kids...
I think we all need to chip in and get WeaselMomma a scanner. We must see Boy Weasel's full explanation. Come to think of it, my older printer/scanner thing doesn't work with my Mac, hmmmm.
Sounds like they have it all figured out. I am sad that I missed the fruit demonstration. That one has me intrigued.
Asking your kids to explain the birds and the bees.... sheer blogging GENIUS!
Uhhhh I want more details on Middle Weasel's metaphors. That sounds promising.
Good job with the props, Weasels!
haha @ bw figuring out your blogging it. hmm i wonder what would happen if i asked my girls to explain the birds & bees. i've had the talk w them every yr since each turned 8. wonder if they'd tell me what i've told them or add stuff people might have said. lol
btw...that is one of my favorite schoolhouse rock songs (it's all in the movie never been kissed) apropos? i think so hehe
Man do I wish you had photos or a scanner. You Weasels are fun.
And yet in spite of it all they WILL be fruitful :)
LOL! Definitely a funny for my day. Thanks.
Take a pic with your cell phone, email it to yourself :-) You have too much good stuff for us NOT to see LOL...Kudos!
Shouldn't this be the other way around? After 5 Weasels, you ought to know! What are they teaching in the schools these days?
I loved the school house rock video. Did he come up with that on his own. A very Zen way (if there is such a way) to explain the birds and the bees! -Jason
LOL! I love that the story should have been better thought out because you're blogging about it :)
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