Ugh. Sorry this wasn't posted earlier, but my internet provider has been slacking. I won't mention any names, cough *comcast* cough but my service has been in and out for a month. They won"t can't send anyone until Tuesday! This has been a great inconvenience to me personally, but also interrupted the livestream transmission of Suburban Wow last Friday and now has postponed my Fatherhood Friday post from being up first thing this morning. This service provider spends mega bucks mocking "The Slowski's" but doesn't mention that they are the "No-Ski's" of internet service.
Anywho, for being so patient I want to reward you dear reader. I appreciate you hanging around waiting for a regular post while I curse at my modem with baited breath. In return, I offer you a Fantastic Give-Away!(and I wanted my regular readers and the wonderful people from Dad Blogs to get first crack) LeapFrog, a company you may remember from such wonderful products, such as Leapster (everyone who owns a pre-schooler, owns a Leapster) has offered me to give away a LeapFrog Tag reader to one of you! I get jack squat, but it's not about me -it's all about you.
Have you seen the Tag Reader? It's pretty cool. An over sized wireless pen and accompanying books. A touch of the pen to the words in the text reads the word out loud. How cool is that? Scanning the pen over the words can read aloud entire sentences and pages. Yup, that's cool. Plus, I get tired of reading the same books over and over and over to Smallest Weasel. This Tag Reader allows me to quit reading after the 176th time and let her work on the book all by herself (Santa brought us one last year for Christmas).
I am giving away a Tag Reader Bundle, consisting of 1 Tag reader with The Cat In The Hat book and 2 other books (to be chosen by LeapFrog) and the contest starts today!
Photo courtesy of LeapFrog website
Here are the rules:
- contest starts today and runs for 2 weeks, ending Friday September 25th at 12 midnight cdt.
- US and Canada only (sorry rest of the world)
- First entry is to leave me a comment telling me the children's book that you really DID love, but have read so many times it has become like a great song that got overplayed on the radio and how you may rip your own eyes out if you have to read it again. This is a mandatory first step.
- Second entry - Make me laugh while reading your first entry.
- Third Entry - Follow my blog, and leave me a separate comment saying as much. If you already do, just say so.
- Fourth Entry - Subscribe to my RSS feed and leave me a separate comment saying as much. If you already do, just say so.
- Fifth Entry -Trey Muy Importante- Visit *this* review of the Tag Reader written at Parenting By Trial and Error and tell her I sent you. After all, she set this whole giveaway up.
- Sixth Entry tweet this giveaway and link it back here. Let me know in a comment.
- Seventh Entry Follow Me on Twitter @WeaselMomma and let me know in a comment or an @ message. If you already do, just say so.
- This giveaway is being done on 10 blogs simultaneously! That's right, 10! I encourage you all to visit the other sites for even more chances to win! (you can only win once though I believe) Here are the other participating sites:

My fave book was Cat in the hat. It was so funny & I even read it like it was a song. It's my favorite even as an adult. My kids love it too.
Goodnight Moon. If you make me read it one more time, I'm going to take that old lady whispering hush and stick her in a pot of boiling water Glenn Close style.
I'm totally entering for a second try anyway. Even if my first entry didn't make you laugh because you've never seen Fatal Attraction.
A book i like is " Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch.
I am not sick of it but everytime i read it i am waiting for my son to throw something in the toilet.
Or do something that he should not do.
But than again it is just a book and than like if i am going across town to my sons house at night to go sing to him.
Thank you for the giveaway
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
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silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
My favorite children's book was Go Dog Go. I had to buy it for my kids when they came along; first the English version, and later the Spanish version. "Corre, perro, corre!"
I just loved to sit and stare at the page with the dog party, and wonder how the heck they all manage to just float there on top of all that foliage, how they dragged a cannon up there, and why the heck that one dog was so rude about that poor girl's choice in hats.
Do I win yet?
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silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
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silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
My favorite book was "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You". I read it every night to my wifes belly before bedtime (she was pregnant with our first kid, of course). She got sick of it before our daughter was even born. I however, found a way to make the "dibble dibble dibble dop" into an extended beat boxing/ rhythm session. That was quickly
put to a halt by my wife, however, I can still recite most of the book by heart.
I have two. The first is Love you forever by Robert Munch and the second is Oh the Places you'll go by Dr. Seuss. I don't quite want to rip my eyes out yet.. but I have read them many many times!!! Favorites.
Please enter me.
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Mr. Brown can Moo by Dr. Seuss. Thomas loves it when Daddy and Mommy do all the sounds.
brown bear brown bear what do you see? I see a mummy cursing at me! Yes, good book but how much can one person endure?
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Dude. I don't want a Tag Reader Bundle because it will just add the the shit all over my house and I'm too lazy to do all that stuff you asked but I still love you and your blog... xoxo
I'm lazy and pessimistic, but even I would expend a lot of effort on your excellent contest (because I am a gadget freak) *except* that I still love all the books I loved as a kid. So I'd have to make up a lie in order to compete. That wouldn't be right.
("Love You Forever" and "Goodnight, Moon" -- never liked them to begin with!)
I loved all the doctor Seus books as a kid.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
My favorite book was Mandy, by Julie (Andrews) Edwards. It was a sweet story of an orphan who finds a home, and I loved it.
Cinderella - read it over and over and over and over with my little princess! I mean she only has a million and one books, yet always brings Cinderella in to read!
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I have always loved "Horton Hatches The Egg"!
My son's favorite books were anything to do with vehicles - Hot Wheels, Monster Trucks, Disney Cars, Thomas the Train, etc. In fact, I hate the Golden Book -Cars which is basically reading the entire movie to a kid! Everytime I tried to shorten it, Charlie would know because his dad reads it word for word! And of course, then we have to stop and identify every single vehicle (by name) on every single page! Did you know every car in the stupid movie has an actual name???? Storytime would take 30mins some nights. UGH! I get up at 3am for work and go to bed as soon as my son so I'm all in favor of short books at bedtime.
I have lots of favorite books, but I could stand to never hear or read Green Eggs and Ham again.
My first favorite book was Old Hat New Hat by Dr. Seuss but oh my goodness I never want to read that book fact I think it "accidentally" dropped behind the bookcase and I'm too "lazy" to get it out ;)
10 little monkey's jumping on the bed is the book that was over-read when my oldest son was young. He LOVED that those little monkey's would jump on their bed and would often get so excited that he would act out the book...including somtimes falling and bumping his head :-) The lesson was learned after a few times.
Do they make tag readers for men? Cuz I can't understand what mine are saying.
I really love "The Fire Cat"!!!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
Green Eggs and Ham...I have read it to my son over 1 million times LOL!
Oh man that Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss got to me after awhile! It is nice at first when your kids don't have the book memorized word for word or page for page, but after they learn it all and you are really tired and trying to read them a bedtime story, it is impossible to try and be sneaky by skipping words or pages, or they immediately freak out and call you on it!! LOL
Gawd I would love to burn that one!!
I really hope that sucker made you laugh!!!!! :P
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Green Eggs and Ham...that book I shall slam...against my kids head!
I kept clicking on that link for the fifth entry, but I keep getting 'page cannot be displayed"?
I follow on Twitter as coolcanucks
I tweeted!
Mine was Miss Suzy. Thanks for the chance.
Are you my mother by dr seuse, at first i thouht it was so cute and my kids loved it but now if i read that book one more time my love for birds is gone if they are that stupid to not know that a cow is not their mother.
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
Oh crap...
I'm not actually entering the drawing, since this post reminds me that I won an AWESOME prize here last month and never made my selection or got back to you! What is wrong with me? I'm sure it is too late now. I'm sorry!!!
my favs were the giving tree and rikki tikki tavi
both were hard to find when my son was little but the giving tree is making a comeback though
too flipping funny that each time i finally surface to read your blog you are doing a give-a-way. i totally did NOT lurk until now lol. hell, i coulda won the last one and not know it. ok, so on with the 50 million steps/rules/are you a sadist: the book that i used to like but now is driving me bonkers would be The Berenstains' (had to look up how to spell that one!) B Book. you know the one that goes Big Brown Bear, Bull Bull, Beautiful Baboon, Biking Backwards, Blowing Bubbles....i could go on all the. way to the. end. of. the. flipping. book! crap. what were the next rules? i follow you, i tweet you, i rss you, i love you, i wanna make love, err, no. um. yeah. i think i'll stop here.
Ahem. My favorite book when Mister Man was young was the Moo, Baa, La La La" by Sandra Boynton.
We read it ALL the time. To the point where (without looking), I can recite the book. "The cow says Moo. The sheep goes Baa. Three singing pigs go La-La-La. No no, that's not right, pigs go OINK all day and night..." -- and so on and so on. In fact Mister Man learned to do all the animal noises for me. It was so cute because that last line is "it's quiet now, what do YOU say" at which point he'd give out this adorable giggle.
However, as he hit the terrible twos, he realized that this was much funnier if he was louder. When I stopped reacting, he got louder yet. And his adorable giggle? A screech in my ear.
I stopped reading the book to try to preserve what little was left of my hearing. Unfortunately, the 1,342,237,327,942,325 times I'd read the book meant that his steel-trap-like mind had it memorized. JUST when I'd get it out of my head, he'd come bouncing down the stairs chanting it at the top of his lungs.
In fact, I have it going through my head now thanks to you. Grr. This had BETTER count for two entries :)
And you know I follow you!
And I follow you on twitter. I'll tweet but ummm I don't know how to save the link. Teach me, and I'll link it up here :)
I posted on the review of the product on her site :) Of course it took me three times to remember to say you sent me and spell all the words correctly.
I used to like the Bearstein (I know spelling it wrong) Bears.
lilacbutterfly [at]
my fav book was harry potter.I have read louder to my child 'cause they like it so much
When my wife got pregnant, we bought Fox in Socks because I remembered loving Dr. Seuss when I was a kid. And since it was the only childrens book we owned at the time, I read it every day for 4 months before switching over to Good Night Moon. Now, whenever my nephews come over and ask me to read Fox in Socks for them, I just breeze through the pages and mumble off words like Dave Matthews. Damn you Dr. Seuss. Damn you.
Oh, and I'm a follower...of your blog.
And have your blog on my iGoogle RSS...
And am a twitter follower too...
And...I'm out.
I would have to say Green Eggs & Ham takes the cake (or the ham) for me. It was always a favorite stand by, but after 2 kids, it's pretty much reached the stage of Every Breath you Take. Not that I ever liked Every Breath because on that disc that song was pretty much, in my opinion, sucked only slightly less than Mother, which had to have been written/recorded on a night that involved quite a bit of alcohol or other such mind altering substance.
If my previous comment made you laugh, ignore this comment.
If it didn't make you laugh, well it's the best I could do. It's Monday morning, afterall.
Good heavens, woman, you must know that followe your blog.
What's the difference between 'following' your blog and subscribing to it?
Oh yeah, that Blogger follow. Check
Ya know, if I knew there would be woirk involved in this content, I woulda done in on another day other than Monday.
Your link to
is broken; it says http://http//
Note the extra http .... unless there's some covert way you're earning a commission with the extra http....
(are you making a commission on comments??)
Oh good heavens, girl. you are one of the few people on my follower list that I actually Tweet with... you must know I follow you (but not in the sense of all those restraining orders that have my name on it...)
I visited the review at Parenting by trial and error and told them you sent me (comment awaiting moderation still )
I need to start tweeting! Dr. Seuss books! enJOY your day!
The Jungle Book I'm thinking his parents left him out there in the jungle on purpose!
I'd love this for my boys
I always loved each peach pear plum.
Did I mention I follow you. :) -Jason
Oh, and I follow you on twitter! -Jason
.....And I RSS Subscribe :) - Jason
... And lastly- I tweeted the giveaway!!! -Jason
I love children's books and could read them over and over. My husband and I get books at garage sales to have for our grandchildren. One day I found a book that I just knew our little granddaughter would love (and she did!) It was called Miss Mary Mack... here is how the book went
Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack
All dressed in black black black
with buttons, buttons, buttons, down her back back back
(well, the rest of the book goes along that line with different rhyming words in threes) I read it while our granddaughter was with us and she liked it so well I decided to send it home with her. On the 2 hour drive with my husband, she had her siblings read it over and over and over. When my husband got home and told me about it, he said "No more Mary Mack!"
I hope you found the Miss Mary Mack story funny.
tweet here
My favorite book was Go Dog Go. I read it, and made everyone else read it, and for some strange reason, have 3 copies in my house. I must still love it because every time my hand gets near the book, my 4 year old daughter rolls her eyes and says, "Not that one mama, maybe tomorrow".
Comcast's problems lie in the old cable they have strewn all over your area. Probably over 20 years old. Thats what happened here. Until they rewire the town - which isn't happening. You're screwed.
Book? Green Eggs and Ham.
I bought that tag reader last year for the grand kids. They are bored with it already.
BTW there's even newer better technology in that regard. Uses for drug information, and tracking. Similar pen, Magic ink process. Touch anywhere and ittells you the product, date of manufacture and all important info.
(I'm an engineer) besides a bartender. LOL
the velveteen rabbit!
You must have 112 comments on this post. No? Only 83? It just seemed like more when I had to scroll through them. I am not entering the contest, just letting you know I think it's a great prize. No youngsters here, so it would be wasted. Have fun!
(Isn't that cableTV, etc., provider just peachy . . . and I thought it was only city folks stuck with them . . . )
The book that I can still recite word for word is "I Was So Mad" by Mercer Mayer. Honestly, it has those Little Critters in it and those things are really sort of scary. I mean have you ever really looked at them? ((((((shivers))))))
Oh did I mention that I read this book over and over to my now 25 year old son when he was 3-5? Yes, I can still remember it word for word and I know this because my grandchildren now have it in their collection. UGH!
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
So even if my story didn't make you LOL out loud I should still get the second entry because now I am reciting that **** book in my head and that is all your fault.
I am now a follower!
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I went to Parenting by Trial and Error and posted on her review.
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I used to love Green Eggs & Ham, but I cringe everytime my daughter brings it to me now because it takes forever to get through & we've read it so many times I know most of it from memory.
I am following your blog
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I blogged about the giveaway
can't figure out how to subscribe to your feed by e-mail.
My daughter's favorite book is "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?"
Yikes! I thought I was suppose to make you laugh with my SECOND entry!! Well, this proves that I'm a mother with 3 kids under 6, I have the Mama brain that remembers to pack 3 lunches, have all the homework ready, extra clothes, names on everything and yet forget the last time I've had a physical.
I hope you'll give me a second entry for this even though I'm not as memorable since I don't have a profile picture. I'm just afraid if something bad happens to me, it'll be the picture that gets plastered all over the news and I haven't taken a decent picture since I was 18.
Thank you!!!
I'm following your blog! I love it since I've got weasels of my own that attack when my husband and I are least expecting it.
Ooops! Just realized I didn't post my email address for my last 3 posts. Sorry! Another effect of Mama Brain!
my daughters favorite book is goodnight moon. i loved it at first, but now i beg her to pick a different book to read before bed, but she always goes back to goodnight moon.
My favorite that I have read over and over is The Little Engine That Could.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow - janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My daughter loves "the Jungle Book." After three weeks of reading it for every nap time and bed time, I'd rather rip my eyes out than read it again. thanks! ruth dot gray at gmail dto com
I follow you on Twitter as graygirly
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
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I went to Parenting by Trial and Error and wrote a thank you for organizing this giveaway of all the Tag Readers AND I told her you sent me!
My grandson picks the same book for me to read,Seasame Street I am a Monster.
green eggs & ham
For me, it was Goodnight Moon.
I subscribed in Google Reader
Green Eggs and Ham. Now that I wrote it, it will be stuck in my head for a week!
I commented on Parenting By Trial and Error!!!
I used to love One Fish, Two Fish, but now I'm ready to flush the fish down the toilet.
At first I loved Pizza Pat but now I wish he would close his shop for a while.
Has to be "Green Eggs and Ham".
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Five little monkeys, we read that every night for over a year, finally my son started choosing a different book!
we've read the cat in the hat way too many times - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
cat in the hat
Pokey Little Puppy was cute the first 5 times reading it.
Any Dr. Seuss book. I loved them all at first because they are so good for teaching a child to read. But after about the 100th time reading them, your brain turns to Jello, I think.
My son loves the kids book Are You My Mother. At first I was happy when ever he picked it since it is an easy reader and doesn't have like 100+ words per pages and we can get thru it without too many questions but now that I have read it at least 300 times, I am so sick of the dumb bird asking everything if itis his mother. Why doesn't he know he is a bird? I actually have it memorized and sometimes turn the wrong page and then say the wrong words and my son freaks out and we have to start over.
Green Eggs and Ham.
So sick So sick
I am, I am.
Thing 1 and thing kids loved it
My grandson has a copy of Clifford's First Halloween. Now I love Clifford and I love this book. But after having to read it to him about 3 times every day, I am so tired of it. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
mr. messy - cute but totally annoying the 100th time. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I really like green eggs and ham
My daughter's favorite book...Brown bear Brown bear! I used to love it but I have read it to her 100s of times!!! the hard part is she loves when I read it to her 3 or 4 times right in a row! Ughh!!! She can't read it yet but has memorized it!
mainlandmama at gmail dot com
Green eggs and ham. Love Dr Suess and my daughter is now loving him as well. I do not know how many times I read that book.
I follow your blog.
If you give a mouse a cookie, haha I LOVED it and wanted to hear it OVER & OVER again!!!but- oooh boy can it get annoying HAHA
The book I am getting tired of reading with my sons is 'The Littlest Pumpkin'. My son was given this book by a dear friend, and some nights I'd like to 'airmail' it back to her! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
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my favorite book was green eggs and ham or the cat in the hat...
but definetly read way too many times..
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mainlandmama at gmail dot com
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mainlandmama at gmail dot com
I visited the review of the Tag Reader written at Parenting By Trial and Error and told her you sent me...
mainlandmama at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter at lovemykeiki.
mainlandmama at gmail dot com
Are You My Mother- OMG I dream this story.
Cinderella, my daughter loves it but I'm sick of it.
Mrs. Crab's Underwater Picnic is starting to become my nemesis.
I used to love Red Fish, Blue Fish until I read it something like 12,000 times!
My favorite is Where the Wild Things Are. I'm looking forward to the movie.
I read "The Little Engine that Could" so many times to my son that I started changing the words to entertain myself. And started making fun of all the characters. I mean, what's not to make fun of when there is an obnoxious clown directing the scene... ;)
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speechforme at gmail
Goodnight Moon is the one read a few too many times
I love "Green Eggs & Ham" but I could seriously rip my hair when after 4 kids I have to still keep reading that D@mn book. Best form of birth control I have come across in a long time.
The book that I really liked, but read waaaay too much was Mr Brown Can Moo. My kids even have it memorized!
Green Eggs and Ham..If I ever have to read that book again I am going to scratch my eyes out! I mean come on~You know it better then me why do we need the book?!? :)
I've read The Secret Garden at least two hundred times.
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