It was a dark and stormy night in the fall about 14 years ago. Okay, it wasn't really stormy, but it was dark. It is however dark and stormy as I am writing this. I was driving home on Interstate 71 just outside of Cleveland, after spending some time with a friend. Traffic was light as I traveled home alone. I must have been cruising somewhere around 65 mph in the left hand lane when suddenly my headlights shone on a man in a hat and trench coat who walked out onto the road right in front me.
I couldn't swerve without slamming into another car. I slammed my brakes, but it was futile. He was way to close. I ran right over him, or rather I should say I ran right through him. No thump, no thud, no anything. He simply vanished.
I looked in my rear view mirror and saw nothing. Cars that had been following behind me continued moving as if nothing happened. There was no place to safely pullover at night and although I knew I saw him step onto the road right in front of me, I also knew there was no accident or incident. No signs of distress, no change in traffic patterns, nothing out of the ordinary with the exception of my heart trying to beat itself right out of my chest and a cold clammy sweat covering me from head to toe.
I continued home on high alert and was quite shaken. When I entered our apartment I starting crying and trying to explain what happened to Mr. Weasel. I was so afraid that I had hit someone, but I knew that I didn't. I wanted to turn on the 11:00 news just to make sure there weren't any hit and runs on the highway.
As I flipped through the channels, Mr. Weasel scanned the bookshelf. A few minutes later, with nothing on the news about any such accidents, Mr. Weasel brought me the book he was looking for, Haunted Ohio by Chris Woodward (the 1st volume I believe). He had it opened to the story of a man who had been struck and killed on that section of highway many years ago. The story was accompanied with numerous reports of a man stepping from the median and into oncoming traffic at night and vanishing on that same stretch of road.
Many a driver has called the police to report hitting someone that then vanished. So much so, that the officers just send the drivers on their way.
Vodka Mom wanted to read some real life ghost stories, so there you have it. Maybe before the season is over I will regale you with some other stories of the past, but I think this is a good start.

Oooh that is freaky! Not only the ghost part, but the gnawing "did I run over someone?" self doubt, too. I guess it was one time you would be glad it was a ghost.
Ooooh, freaky!
THAT was amazing. I am sure you were freaked out- but how cool that your hubby knew exactly what had happened?
I loved that story.
I kid you not, I grew up in a haunted house. It was a nursing home in the early 1900's and plenty of people died there. Things would move, we'd see people on the stairs that weren't there. It was pretty cool and freaky at the same time.
Very awesome ghost story!! Totally creepy and now I have goosebumps!
I thought I hit a German Shepard once, pretty much as you described, some 25 years ago. I even crawled under the car to look for signs, but found nothing.
Maybe I should pen Haunted Queens, NY ....
besides my own indulgence, a very well-written piece!
creepy...that would freak me out! as I was reading it, I thought "she must have read vodkamom"! chris is in chicago right now--said you were having 50 mph winds!
@ Mrs D ~ It was such a relief to know that I hadn't hit a person, but very freaky indeed.
@ Sue ~ You said it. I was shaken up bad.
@ Vodka Mom ~ He had recently just read that book and it was fresh in his mind.
@ Janie ~ I bet you have some great stories to share.
@ Lizdom ~ 100% true too.
@ Charlie ~ Wow and thanks for the compliment.
@ Laura ~ Very perceptive.
Ooh - goosebumps!!!
I've hit a few squirrels in my day better never a ghost! Pretty cool and freaky at the same time.
Wow, that is amazing! I'm glad it wasn't the kind of ghost who asks for a ride and then vanishes out of the seat next to you.
@ Melissa & Colleen ~ You can say that again.
@ Dad UnMasked ~ Oddly enough, I have never hit a squirrel.
@ Tom ~ Luckily I don't pick up hitchhikers.
Scary stuff. The night porter at the hotel I have been staying at on my trips to Scotland regaled me with so many stories about the haunted hotel that is made my head spin. Of course he drinks 3 liters of cider every night.
Ooh, I liked it. Very Spooky, even more so knowing it's real. -Jason
We have "Weird New jersey" here. A lot of people see things or illusions. Pretty neat and scary. I'd have pooped my pants.
Or maybe too many coors lights. LOL No I'm sure you saw it, or did you.
There was a phone booth local to me that while passing at night the flaw in the plastic paneled sides gave the appearance of someone inside using it. But as you passed, the angle of your lights made it disappear. Maybe its one of those things. Big shot I am I had my girlfriend at the time drive by while I was standing in it. She said she saw him with me. Boooo!
Anyway - pretty scary but cool stuff! It just sucks youhad to get traumatized like that.
I love ghost stories, and yours is pretty sweet. I would love to see a ghost someday, but I don't want one to make me crash my car.
@ Otter ~ I'm sure he sees lots of things after all that cider, the stories must be good none the less.
@ Devoted Dad ~ I told it just how it happened.
@ Oscar ~ All I can state is what I saw, not why I saw it. I can say that it is an open stretch of highway separated by a wide grass median with out even and street lights through this area. I was stone cold sober at the time too. Hard to believe, but I hadn't had a drop.
I love spooky stories and this one is a beaut. I would have gone a slight bit mad is this happened to me. How cool Mr. Weasel tried to find an answer to what happened to you instead of showing disbelief. I've read plenty of "Haunted" books relating to Chicago and Illinois. Your story ranks right up there.
I do hope you have more stories to share. I also hope I never encounter a spirit or whatever you want to call them. I am a chickens**t. CLUCK! CLUCK!
How did your husband know to look for that? Freaky. And totally gave me chills.
Now that is skeevy. *shivers* seriously, it gave me chills!
@ What Now ~ In retrospect it was a pretty cool experience and makes for a great story. At the time it really shook me up though.
@ Michelle & Surprised ~ Mr Weasel had read the book not to long before this and was reminded of this particular story when I told hom what had happened.
@ Heather ~ Yeah, it was creepy alright. I was just relieved that I hadn't killed someone.
Holy Heebie-Jeebies! For real??? I've never had a real encounter with anything supernatural, and not sure I'd want to!
A great story. And I must say, I am a bit jealous of your experience.
Yes, it's a wonderful start. What a story! I would have wet my pants!!
Glad you and the apparition made out ok!
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