Okay, so I am a chick and no matter how much I try to suppress it, I have a girly girl side. So, yesterday, I'm tweeting my own business and Melisa is tweeting about work, in the salon, and pedicures (that mean more to me than cheesecake) and I tweet back about how nice that would feel. Then she tweeted about being 10 minutes away.
I looked at Mr. Weasel (who refused to make eye contact) and said "can I go?" ~I totally do not ask permission, but with him being ,an out of work bum and all, I can't just spend willy nilly.
"Ummmm, how much?"
"well, way more than I usually spend, but Melisa has coupons for me"
"Ummmm, Mr. Weasel??????"
"Well, one part of me says save the money. The other part of me wants to indulge my wife".
"Let me talk to the 2nd guy".
"Okay go"
I shaved my legs and was out of there in record time. I had to split before the Jedi mind trick wore off. I was so excited. Melisa and I have never met in person. I needed a little pampering love and some Mommy Time.
So I get to the salon, before Mr. Weasel can put a hold on my Visa, and there she is.......Mrs. Suburban Scrawl herself, in all her beautiful glory, being just as wonderful in person as she is in cyberspace. Then again, I would say that about almost anybody who hands me a glass of wine while someone else is massaging my feet.I had some chocolates, a freshly heated neck wrap(courtesy of Melisa) a little more wine and tootsies in heaven. You guys so don't get that, but I don't care! This is as close to being Cleopatra that we chicks ever get. I got my manicure too, so I just feel pretty all over
and can ignore my muffin top until another day.
Afterward, Melisa was getting off work, and we met for some coffee. We talked about the Blogher Convention in CHICAGO this coming summer and came up with a plan to bring down our own stockpile of liquor to sell to all the lushes attendees. We talked about all the bloggers that we want to meet (yes, you made the list) and how much we want the guys to crash too. We don't think you will, but a girl can dream. We laughed ~ mostly about you ~ and laughed and had a great, although short time together. Melisa really knows how to show a girl a great time. Fabulous, just fabulous!
UPDATE ~ And now Melisa has given me this! I feel special!

Congratulations on getting pampered and on getting the chance to meet Melisa. She totally rocks and I speak from experience though sadly I've never met her in person (yet).
Not that I'm some creepy stalker. LOL
I thought you shaved your pits.
And that plan regarding BlogHer? Ahem. We would NEVER do anything like that; that would wreck the integrity of the agreement BlogHer has with the hotel, in case anyone from BlogHer is reading your blog. That would undermine the profits of the hotel. I am frankly shocked that you would even....ah, forget it. It's a funny plan.
Fun time yesterday! My post is up too! And you've got an award waiting for you! (and I'm not just luring you over there for nothing this time!)
Ha ha: my word verification is "in gin". hee hee
@ Kat ~You are so right on the money. Melisa totally rocks!
@ Melisa ~ I actually shaved both for you. Doesn't that make you feel special? We so do not want to cast a shadow on the integrity of BlogHer. There will definitely be no M&W Discount Liquors Kiosk to be found in our rooms ~okay ladies, just knock 3x and say the password~ We are way too upstanding bloggers to pay for the convention itself that way.
You sure do know how to show a girl a great time!
I'm pretty sure I know one guy blogger who'll crash the party. I would myself, but Michael's Mommy would have my stuff out on the front porch and the locks changed when I got home.
@ Tom ~ That's why you bring her with!
Which guy is going to come? We so need a little testosterone sprinkled around.
Wow, wine and chocolates? At least Melisa fed you! :)
We'll have to figure out a time for all of us Chicago bloggers to get together preferably before BlogHer..though it might take that long for our schedules to match up!
I'm glad your hair free and feeling pretty...all you need is a tiara...hang around with Melisa long enough and you will get a REAL one! :)
You shaved...You are so good. I always worry should I shave right before or is that trying to hard. Then I shave. I'm so happy you had a lovely time. You soooooooooo deserve it!!!!!
You midwest girls know how to party. Pedicures and tiaras, what a combination...
Excellent, another serial killer in the serial killer alliance, no one will ever suspect us now!
Wait wait wait, her salon gives out WINE? Dude, I am NOT that far and my place does not give out wine. Ummm Melisa, I need to find out some more from you here.... I'll be popping over to chat.
And good to know that I'm not the only one who shaves before going to get a pedicure... nor apparently the only one who needs to make a POINT of having to shave before going to get a pedicure ;)
Oh man! I am soooo jealous! I've could use a good pedicure & a massage right now!
Good thing you guys aren't in Ohio or I'd be stalking you right now!
Came by for a visit from Terri Terri - great blog - I love pedicures - just started getting them this year and it is the best!!!
It's cool you got pampered...what ever that means. So glad you shaved. Hairy weasels are...wait. Weasels are hairy...never mind.
Pedicures are such a great invention. Getting one makes me feel so pampered and special, like nothing else in the world.
@ Melissa ~ She's a pretty classy date.
@ Manic ~ it's all part of the 'I feel Pretty' kind of day.
@ Mike ~ You should come with us some time. We'll lend you a tiara and you can pick your own polish color! LOL
@ Micro ~ yeah, the alliance is growing!
@ Bad Momma ~ We'd so love to have you!
@ Claire ~ Welcome and thanks for coming by. I can't offer you a pedicure, but feel free to come by and put your feet up anytime!
@ Captain ~ Your cracking me up!
@ Karen ~ Welcome. I've seen you lurking around Michael's Daddy and am glad you came by. Put your feet up and well, get yourself a pedicure. They are dreamy.
Hi WeaselMomma,
Did you ever get that muffin top taken care of? How much does that run at the salon?
@ Daddy Dan ~ It would have cost me not having the wine or the chocolates.
Well, job or no job; a girl has to have priorities! You go, Girl! :)
That does sound like a wonderful time. Good for you. But more than cheesecake? Are you sure? Because that just sounds all sorts of wrong to me.
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