I hope that you all had a wonderful, peaceful and joyous Christmas. Here in Weaselville it was better than we could have wished for. The days leading up to the festivities were crazy busy. The weather was awful with snow, sleet and ice and we still had places to go. We hadn't been to see Santa yet so that was top of the agenda for the 23rd. We headed to the mall to find that he was busy 'feeding the reindeer', so we took the opportunity to try and get some last minute shopping done while we waited. When Santa made his return, we noticed that he was just one of those 'pesky helper' Santa's who wasn't even a little bit convincing. Luckily, I had overheard that the real Santa and his reindeer had flown over to a different mall. That's where we headed next. Once again, upon our arrival, he was 'feeding the reindeer'. We waited in line for an hour anticipating the big moment. Smallest Weasel was extremely excited and also on her best behavior ever. When it was finally our turn and the big guy asked what she wanted for Christmas she responded "Twinkies". Santa said "okay then" and continued to smile for the picture. I would post the pic, but the disk they offered only works with Windows. Santa should switch to Mac.
Early Christmas Eve, Mr Weasel and I headed out to tie up some shopping loose ends. We had trouble leaving the driveway because of the new fallen ice and snow, but get out we did and left instructions for the bigger Weasels to shovel while we were gone. When we were done with our errands Mr. Weasel dropped me off to help with Patsy's driveway and he headed home to relieve the Weasels of ours.
There was still wrapping to be done and dinner to be made. All to be finished before we went to Mass, and it was. We came home after and put on our pajamas and off to bed before the big guy hit the eastern seaboard. His elves had a busy night ahead of them while we snoozed.
As the Weasels woke and came to wake Mr. Weasel and I, you could measure the excitement on the Richter scale. Smallest Weasel announced to me "Santa came and brought me Twinkies!". "I don't know if he brought you Twinkies" was my reply. "He brought me Twinkies! I just know he did!" And sure enough, amongst he pile of presents to open were Twinkies in beautifully wrapped paper and a bow. All of the Weasels seemed to get just what they wanted for Christmas. Monkey, along with other items got another Pooh Bear(her all time favorite) and a Heffalump. Middle Weasel and Boy Weasel discovered bikes parked next to their booty pile. Eldest Weasel received her own set of make-up and a compact. She no longer will have to use mine. Mr. Weasel opened up RockBand2 and Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Santa left me some new union suit style pajamas, wonderful sundry items(like chocolate) and MY OWN DOMAIN!!!!!!!! That's right folks. Santa brought me Worldofweasels.com! I am still busy getting that set up, but will post in both places for now and soon I will move there completely.
I don't know how he did it. I take that back. I do know how. He has some pretty faithful and dedicated elves. Thanks to all of their hard work, The Weasels had a wonderful and magical Christmas. We thanked God for giving us His Son to bring hope an joy to the world. Then we played RockBand2. For hours. In our pajamas. Before we knew it we had to start dinner, still in our pajamas. We had a great day filled with fun family time and playing with all of our new gifts.
We had a delicious dinner of London Broil(personal favorite of mine), baked potatoes, fruit cup, salad, mushrooms, wine and pumpkin pie.
It was a quiet, relaxing and Joyous Christmas. It's just what I wanted.

That sounds like a totally awesome Christmas. Ours too this year had all of our family together (not an easy thing with the way we are spread out around the world at times). And it was so peaceful and enjoyable just being together.
Merry Christmas Weasels
Sounds like a perfect couple of days.
God bless us every one! What a great time you all had. And congrats on the new domain! Looking forward to seeing that up. Good luck with Wordpress.
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas at your house. Glad you had a good one. I can't wait to see what you do with the new site!
What a great gift (the domain)! I went through GoDaddy and found them to be FANTASTIC to work with; you should have it done in a snap, but if you need help, they understand English perfectly and are very patient. When my sister Michelle was little, she asked for pickles (and got them, of course!) Sounds like you had a perfect Christmas.
P.S. I'm tagging you tonight. (It's an easy one.) But I think I am still waiting for your "Stupid People-Trick" so I can pass that squirrel award you gave me a while back...
I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas, WeaselMomma! I could use a twinkie right now, myself!
Congrats on owning your own domain. Kind of like owning a little piece of the internet.
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas was had by all at your home...
I'm so happy you and your family had such a wonderful Christmas. I look forward to seeing the new site. Blessings!
yeah!!! your own domain!!!congrays!!
Oh how wonderful! I'm so glad Santa was so good -- you a domain and somehow he managed to make Twinkies in his factory (this explains his girth). Way too cool.
And I hear ya on the Santa. We had our own issues with that, but glad you found the right one!
Tinkies! I love it! LOL
We havn't had much snow here. ( I like that) But remember years ago the storms we used to have ( watch i just jinxed myself) I had the grandkids here and we had similar excitement...at 6:30am....
I n=bought the rockband complete set last year. My son wanted the nre Guitar hero drun set. NOPE it doesn't come seperately...So Santa dad bought the whole damned Guitar her kit. Now we have 2 full sets. It hasn't quieted down until today. Oh and according th the game, I rock. Being a guitar player, I thing real guitar is easier!
Glad you all have a great Christmas!
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