Today is the Big day! The WeaselMomma has managed has managed to grace the world with her presence for 36 consecutive years.
Come on in, grab a drink, and start picking at the appetizers. Throw your coats on the bed and set your delicious bringings in the comments. I will be updating all day, hopefully with video too! Turn up the music and let's have a great time!
I haven't been able to keep up with posting because I have been (and still am) baking cookies and drinking beer. A friend stopped over and we chatted and drank beer. I have been wearing my tiara all day and drinking beer. I played the Wii and drank beer. Boy am I glad Big Bad Daddy brought the beer!
Hopefully we will get some pics up tonight.
You all are the best party guests! This was so much fun and who knew that a lampshade could have so many uses? The drinks were delicious and I never would have guessed that kosher beer was so tasty! Too bad that Mr. Weasel never got the camera out because we really needed to get a shot of Tom Dancing and Nukedad shooting beer through his nose. At least we have the shots of Big Bad Daddy wearing his tiara!
You all brought the best food and even better drinks, I don't even have any after effects hanging around this morning. This was way too much fun! I hope that everyone comes to BlogHer this summer so we can do it all over again in person.
Thanks for a great time!

That is about as good as my singing abilities get... so bare with me! :)
Happy Birthday!!!!!! Hey...did you finally get your picture? Did you have your evening out for the trade-up?
Happy Birthday, Princess!
Now, hand me a Black Jack Cola, would ya? Thanks. :)
Have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday Weaselmomma! I'll just set this cream cheese/raspberry chipotle dip on the buffet and.... where should I put these jello shots?
@ Sabrae ~ Karaoke in the morning, I love it!
@ Divas ~ Thank you and not yet. Melisa and I have been out 2x, but not 'officially' yet.
@ Melisa ~ Thanks and here is a cold one for ya.
@ Terri ~ Yum, and you can put those right in front of me.
Happy Birthday!
The first thing I'm bringing is a round of Prickly Pear margaritas.
To a shaker half full of ice, add:
2 oz Tequila
1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
1 oz Tuaca
1/2 oz Prickly Pear syrup
Shake well, serve with lime wedge. (I'm not much on salt on the rims)
BTW: the Prickly Pear syrup can be purchased at Cheri's Desert Harvest, online. I always keep a stock on hand.
I'll be back later with some dessert.
I brought Queso and chips. I have to go back home and get the brisket, cole slaw, potato salad and beans. I'll be back in a while.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
I brought these little smokie appetizer things to share. Should I set them over here by the punchbowl?
Can someone give me a hand with this huge, beautifully wrapped box? Where do you want the presents stacked?
Happy Birthday! I have the wine - Mad Housewife. I brought a bottle each of the Chard, Merlot & Cab!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Seeing as no one else has done it yet, and your affinity for beer I thought I would bring a case of that! I grabbed two things, a case of Thirsty Beaver and a case of Grasshopper. I think you'll likr the Grasshopper with a slice of lemon and the Thirsty Beaver, well the name just speaks for itself.
@ Tom ~ Those sound wonderful!
@ NukeDad ~ I love a good BBQ brisket!
@ Captain ~ Thanks, now go put 10 bucks on lucky 13.
@ Rhonda ~ Mmmm, imitation meat flavored foods rock!
@ Bad Momma ~ Sounds like this party is stating right!
@ Big Bad Daddy ~ Your a man after my own heart. Beer is definitely a great choice and they sound like fun ones to try!
Wow, do any of your buddies actually eat food? :)
How about if I bring the birthday cake? :) And the very cute guy to jump out of it...wearing very little...
Happy Bday, WM! I hope you have a great one!
I'm back! What did I miss? I posted a recipe for some great three-layer chocolate-mint brownies at my site, since it was too long to post in the comments.
Hope you're having a great birthday!
Happy Birthday! I brought the Kahula cake... Where can I hide it so you can enjoy it all by yourself? I brought a couple of pies to share... =)
I'm just stopping in to drop off some taco dip. It's not a party til you can enjoy some o' that.
Nukedad: E-mail me when you return with the brisket so I can try to meet you here. LOL
Oh, BTW Weaselmomma, I saved you a couple of He'brews (the chosen beer). I'll leave them in the fridge.
BBQ is here! Dig in. I didn't bring napkins; use a dog. Or a cat. Or a sleeve, if you must.
I brought my favorite chocolate birthday cake ("Black Midnight Cake") with penuche icing (a brown sugar fudge frosting), and some awesome guacamole & chips! See if there's a virgin prickly pear margarita available & I'm there with you for the night!
I hope you enjoyed your birthday breakfast muffins--I dropped them off in the comments of your invitation blog--before this one was available!
We left a little something for you over at Big Bad Daddy Rant, swing by and pick it up when you get a chance, if you're not too tipsy!
"They say its your birthday, nah, nah, nah, nah. They say you'll have a good time, nah, nah, nah, nah.."
Off key and bad imitation of the Beatles.
I brought tequila and a blender, where do I setup?
whew! i'm sorry i'm late! i've been xmas shopping w/my sis...but i've brought some yummy chocolate oatmeal cookies. if you like 'em - here is the recipe:
2 c. sugar 1/2 c. milk
1/4 c. cocoa 1/2 c. peanut butter
1/2 c. butter 1 t. vanilla
2 c. uncooked rolled oats
melt butter in large pot. stir in cocoa and sugar. stir in milk. bring to a boil (continue stirring). reduce heat to medium. cook for 7 min (keep stirring) add peanut butter, oats, and vanilla and remove from heat. drop by spoonfulls onto wax paper. let cool and then pig out!
hope you have a happy birthday and a hangover free tomorrow :)
HOORAY! IT'S YOUR BIG DAY!! Where should I put the homemade mac-n-cheese casserole? (It'll be coming out of the oven in a minute and should be cool enough by the time I get there! :)
You probably didn't plan for this, so I brought goody bags for everybody to take home, containing:
Party horns
Snack-sized candy bars
A "Happy 36th Birthday, Weaselmomma" shot glass
Excedrin for tomorrow
Grab one on your way out, people!
Don't forget to tell everyone that, if they're feeling up to it tomorrow afternoon, they should come back here and to my place for our Adventures in Shopping posts. Oh wait, I just did.
Happy Birthday! I brought sweet and sour meat balls. Where's the beer?!
Happy Birthday!
Sounds like Mike forgot the limes and salt for the margaritas; good thing I always carry some spares in case of emergency.
Wha? Has noone opened some champagne for this festive occasion??
Well allow me to toast to you WeaselMomma :)
Happy Birthday!!!
Margaritas! I'm in! Did anyone bring music? A little Robert Palmer "Simply Irresistable" perhaps, how about some Billy Idol? RUN DMC? ......any takers?
Happy Birthday! Pass the beer...
I'm toasted.
Who's the denigrated...the instigated...the...
Who's giving me a ride home?
Weaselmomma, this was the best blogpost Birthday party I've EVER attended. Thanks! And, Happy Birthday!
Now I'm gonna go call a cab for Nukedad.
Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed the party, but I will help you celebrate at Blogher!
Oops, two days late and two dollars short. Oops. BUT I come bearing cherry brownie cakes. The recipe is courtesy Karen @ The Rocking Pony, but of course I had to alter it some. They're delish! Yum! Happy birthday!! And definitely gotta celebrate for realsie at BlogHer!
Happy belated birthday, I have arrived with massive quantities of prilosec to help those who partied a little too hard and need to give their stomachs a break!
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