I have mentioned before that we have 3 cats here in Weaselville. We really aren't 'cat people' so to speak, but have wound up with 3 nonetheless. They are all pretty useless, but occasionally entertaining.
There are two males, or at least they were before we neutered them. They mostly mind their own business and make for nice, albeit hairy, heating pads. Then there is Smores. I have written about her before. Having come to us very young after having been abandoned and being an underdeveloped runt, we never had her fixed. It is not believed that she is capable of reproducing. She really doesn't have traditional kitty mating cycles. Every once and a while she starts singing 'Hey, Big Spender' or asks the other cats if they've been in town long, but in very short spurts. With 2 fixed males and all 3 being indoor cats, it's not a major issue of concern.
So back to the story. It's 6 am, the house is quiet, and I am having my morning coffee and surfing the blogs. I can hear the cats and it sounds like Smores meowing "I usually don't do this, but catnip has this effect on me". Mack is all "Bow-chicka-wow-wow" I briefly head to the top of the stairs. Right there on the landing, I find Mack, giving the old college try to make a girl feel special.
I got my first laugh of the day and was lucky enough not to wake anyone up with my hysterics. I think he left her wanting for S'more.

My cat, most of the time called "kitty" but officially named "The Wu" likes to do Parkour at such hours. She will bolt from one end of the house to the other, doing backflips off anything in her way, in the dark, you know, for added difficulty.
we have two kitties and they are hysterical...
my husband wanted them... i didn't... we have two parrots.... and a dog already...
having these kitties are like having kids, they are always jumping on the counters and going places they shouldn't go...
but they are so fun to watch while they play.
We are not cat people either. Rather we are SUCKERS and other people know it. We ended up keeping the two cats that were thrust upon us. One female, one male, both fixed. There is no bow-chicka-bow-bow around here, but lots of what Big Bad Daddy described. I must agree with the breathing heating pad analogy though and I love the fact that they provide free body heat in the winter months.
@ Big Bad ~ My cats do a lot of those "look at me, I'm a moron" tricks. Especially when we are trying to sleep.
@ Steel ~ Your kittens are cuties.
@ Terri ~ yeah, these things just seem to happen. I must have sucker all over my face.
That was hilarious! I was hoping that your title was indicative of the real story...LOL
The thought of "Bow chicka wow wow" and cats has me in hysterics.
Now I've gotta wipe this smile off my face and get crabby so I can get some work done.
Oh me! Oh my! When you have a cat named S'more, one has to expect some naughtiness.
@ Melisa ~ So glad that I'm not the only one laughing.
@ Heidi ~ Valid point.
Oh, very punny! I knew I liked you...a never miss a chance for a pun!!
Oh I can only imagine ... and thank you for not pulling out the ol' video camera ;)
Give me a dog any day! Cute story though.
Bow chicka wow wow!!!???? TOO funny!!!
go kitties
go kitties
go kitties....
Uhh....Nope, can't go there.
WON'T go there. ;)
Thank you, as always, for my morning chuckle! And just a small one back at ya: the word verification word for me is "blooi"...waiting for a good pun from you w/ it sometime! (maybe there was something in my coffee, but i'm finding this word hilarious!)
Sheesh! They could have at least taken it down to the laundry room or something. Whatever happened to privacy?
Isn't nice when the pussycats all get along with each other? All friendly you know...
@ Melissa ~ I aim to please. You aim too please, at least in the restroom.
@ Michelle ~ it would have been a youtube sensation!
@ Chris ~ I am at heart a dog person too!
@ Rhonda ~ whoaaaa, never knew you were into kitty porn.
@ NukeDad ~ Thank you. That wouldn't have been family friendly, I'm sure.
@ Laura ~ more girly than then, less girly than most.
@ Tom ~ yeah, that's what I was thinking. No shame they have.
@ Mike ~ They must have seen it somewhere. Dunno where.
"I think he left her wanting for S'more." - hilarious, i'm glad i wasn't drinking anything when i read this one :)
oh, and my word verification: "prebut" that's all i'm sayin bout that
haha crazy kitties
My cat is lazy. But he's cool like a dog. I onlyhave one which I inherited from my daughter as a temporary pet. (8years now). He thinks he's a dog. No "kitty cat action" here, I think food is more important to him. But then again, he's never been "exposed" to the opposite sex. Well at lest not the feline type.
Just pray the kids don't ask why the cats are "dancing"!
OMG-that's hilarious. Loved the commentary!
@ Nonna ~ At least is wasn't 'postbut'.
@ Ashley ~ but entertaining.
@ Oscar ~ Thank God the Music and wine didn't wake them!
@ Mrs.4444 ~ You can't even make this stuff up.
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