This past Saturday happened to be the 1st Saturday in August and that can only mean one thing. Mr. Weasel and I attended the 9th annual Colin Boyne charity golf outing For SIDS of Illinois. We don't actually golf, but we always have a great time. In the afternoon there is a luncheon and beer/wine fest under the guise of bunco game for the ladies while the men use golfing as an excuse to practice driving under the influence on a closed course with golf carts.
Hubby dropped me off in time for Bunco. Here I met up with some old friends and made some new ones. It was really a great time. You can't put that much booze, chocolate and women in one room and not have a great time. We all laughed till it hurt and in the end I walked away with the top prize of a gift cetificate for a cut and style at a fru-fru hair salon. Almost everyone stumbled away with some kind of prize. I also walked away with an extra gift basket of "Calgon take me away" bath products and candles for having the most over worked uterus in the room. I knew that would come in handy some day!
Next, it was back downstairs to the bar for a few drinks while the golfers started to trickle in back from the course before dinner and a chance to get a head start on the silent auction and raffle tickets while I wait for Mr. Weasel to join me. Now I have learned through the years that if you stand still for too long at this event you will find yourself volunteering. Usually in the form of pimping raffle tickets around the dining room and bar. Take a woman with a good buzz and throw her into a room of guys who are no pain themselves after a day of golf, throw in raffle tickets and a good cause and you have a winning combo. I don't know how many I sold, but it was a large fistfull and didn't take long.
By the time dinner is over everyone in the room is best friends, it's just that kind of crowd. One woman even gave me her earings right out of her ears afetr I said how cute they were. We all share stories, jokes and rounds while joining in the silent auction wars and occassionally the dancing. At one point a whole crowd of us were out on the deck when the sprinklers turned on full force! That was an absolute hoot and only added to the enjoyment of the evening.
By midnight, Mr. Weasel and I had our arms were full with 5 bottles of wine, 4 wine glasses, a cerificate for a wine tasting party(raffle and silent auction), the aforementioned gift basket and certificate and my shoes that had not been on my feet in hours. It was a fantastic event as usual, and a great time was had by all until the next morning.

Sounds fun. I used to play Bunco in my old neighborhood. For some reason, we rarely got around to the game! Haha
Sounds like a fun time was haad by all. And for a good cause!
Woohoo--par-tay! Sounds like a great time (minus the hang over of course!) :)
It was great seeing you guys!! I was not having very much fun the next day :)
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