When Middle Weasel was in Pre-k, I had a wonderful relationship with her teacher who had just taught my son and was a friend. The teacher was excited to have another Weasel in her class and we would communicate daily when I would drop off/pick up Middle Weasel from the classroom.
A few weeks into the school year a new student came into the class. Her name was Ivana and she looked like a little porcelain doll. She was quiet and cute and the youngest child in the class having a late spring birthday. Middle Weasel was the oldest child in the class, having a fall birthday.
When I went to pick up from school the teacher was in stitches. She told me all about how Middle Weasel had taken Ivana under her wing and was helping her with scissors and snack time and that the two seemed to be glued together. I thought this was cute and sweet, but didn't understand what was funny. So I just smiled and nodded.
Everyday when I came for pick up, this same scenario transpired. I really didn't get what she was laughing about. But I thought it wonderful that Middle Weasel had a best friend. I made a mental note to try and meet Ivana's parents so that the girls may get a chance to play outside of school at some point.
The teacher is laughing harder by the day. Telling me tales of how Middle Weasel takes Ivana by the hand and leads her to where she needs to be. And how Ivana always sits next to Middle Weasel, who helps her with everything. This is sweet and cute, but I don't get what is so hysterically funny.
After a couple of weeks I decide to show up a few minutes early for pick up to observe. I watch in the class and the two girls are very cute together and Middle Weasel is being very helpful. She's making me proud and I want her to have her new BFF over sometime for a play date, but I haven't met her parents yet. This day after class while the teacher is recounting stories she says "If Ivana keeps hanging with Middle Weasel she'll be speaking English in no time at all". Now I start laughing and explain that I had no idea that Ivana didn't speak a word of English. Middle Weasel never even mentioned this, the teacher thought I already knew. Now the teacher is laughing at me too and said 'I was wondering why you were looking at me like that.'
Ivana's parents had just moved here and put her in this class so that she would learn English my immersion. Their friendship flourished and English came to Ivana quickly. Ivana's parents were also very nice and taking English classes of their own. The girls often played together for a few years until we moved away.
Language was no barrier to this frienship. They got along and could communicate without words. Middle Weasel never had realized that Ivana didn't speak English and Ivana didn't realize that Middle Weasel didn't speak Spanish. Kids just speak the universal language of "what's the best way to drive our parents crazy?".

Great point. I think it's funny that you didn't realize she didn't speak English; I assumed so from the moment I read "Ivana." You must live in a much more diverse city than I do!
What can I say, I am a little slow on the uptake! We did live in a very diverse area. Many of the kids friends were bilingual. Some of the parents did not speak English, but all of the kids had, until Ivana.
Ivana is lucky to have a friend that doesn't judge her by their differences.
If we all would choose to live that way the world would be a much better place!
Middle weasel deserves a big hug... and chocolate!
She is a great kid HSA, and maybe I should have been more clear in the post. Middle Weasel nor Ivana did not know that the other didn't speak the language. The were both 3 at the time(middle weasel almost 4) and would talk to each other constantly, just never bothering to care what was being said.
That is really cool! It's wonderful how kids can transcend the bounds of language and other barriers with complete and utter ease. Middle Weasel sounds like a great kid.
And of course its the kids who lead the way for all of us to learn that "what barriers?"
Love your post...
Middle Weasel is obviously a very compassionate kid. She sounds like a natural leader!
I have almost the same story with T1 a few years ago, except all of the adults involved knew of the laguage barrier, but it didn't seem to matter. It only lasted a weekend, but it played out much the same way.
Wouldn't it be great if more adults... or countries... treated each other like little kids treat each other? Such a sweet story.
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