Today is the saddest day of the year here in Weaselville, for tomorrow is the first day of school for the elementary age Weasels(and the first full day of school for Eldest Weasel). It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our friend, summer vacation, until June 2009.
We have an awful lot to do today. We need to lay out the uniforms and shoes et. al., pack the backpacks, distribute supplies and make sure everyone is bathed. We also have a special mass today with the Bishop. He is coming to do the official dedication of this brand new school, that will be officially open for business tomorrow. After the dedication there will be slight joy for the Weasels in the form of the parish picnic. Games, snacks and desserts should help them enjoy their last hours of freedom before the shackles of school are once again thrust around their ankles.
We do cherish our lazy days of summer around here, that are anything but lazy. There are a lot of things we never got around to doing, but we also managed to squeeze in loads of fun. It's hard to believe how fast the time goes. We will continue to take advantage of the summer weather and activities in the few hours of sunlight left after homework is complete.
The Weasels are in a complete state of depression over their impending imprisonment. They are all good students, who genetically inherited the "I hate school" gene from their mother. They believe that school is just another way for "the Man to keep them down", and that homework is designed to completely suck all of the hope and joy out of their lives. Recess is the only part of school that allows them to maintain their sanity and refrain from complete despair.
The first few weeks will be fresh and new, so somewhat tolerable and interesting for them. After that it becomes a downhill slope of darkness until the light at the end of the tunnel, Christmas break, is in sight. With the entrance of January, smiles once again fade away until they feel like they are circling the bowl by March. April brings a glimmer of hope, offering longer days and slightly better temperatures, which can only mean one thing. Summer will soon be here. But at the same time feeling like a marathon runner at around mile 20, forcing one foot in front of the other with sheer willpower of reaching the finish line and being able to reclaim their lives for themselves.
About May they will begin to dream about not being pulled by the ankles out of bed and force fed breakfast, and no more marching gulag style to the car before they wipe the sleep from their eyes. AHHHHH, better than sugarplums dancing. They know that soon they will be living the Phineas and Ferb lifestyle once again. It's the only thing that keeps them pushing on.
Youngest Weasel too will join the ranks of school goers this year. She, opposite of siblings, is happy and excited. She wants to be a 'big kid'. She wants a teacher of her own. She wants to learn to read and have homework and a back pack and a lunch box. The rest of the Weasels just shake their heads in pity for her. Little does she know the horrors of the road she is about to embark on. Sweet naive youngest Weasel, they only wish they could save her from this awful fate, like a mother who encourages her daughter not to begin shaving her legs just yet because once you start you have to always continue. Or the Daughter who prays for puberty to start, who's mother silently hopes for her daughter to avoid that cross as long as possible, for she will soon enough have to deal with it for the next 4 decades.
So with the Weasels feeling as helpless as the French people on the day before the occupation, they will wave their white flags and go along with the program. But one day, I fear all too soon, they will form a resistance movement. I can already picture them strategically planning which bridges to take out and how to sabotage the car.

Half our kids only went to school to eat their lunch I reckon! Funnily enough our youngest two still love going to school.. maybe its because they want to get away from their grumpy Mum! or maybe it's just to eat their lovely lunches! lol
Ah the sweet goodbye to our summer lovin! My little one started Kindergarten a week and a half ago. It's making me wish for fall weather already. This was a very cute post...thanks for giving me the link to come read. Come to wornoutwoman or daily blessings, when you get a chance.
Good luck to all and wishes for a wonderful school year. What will Weasel mom do without her band of weasels?
My 15yo has been back in school for a week, so far so good. The oldest starts her sophomore year at UF in Gainesville. *sigh*
Ahh - but the joy offered by such breaks as Thanksgiving, spring, & any odd holiday that comes along (if you were here these would include hurricane days) almost make the trudging to the car in the near dark worth the while! As a matter of a fact, I am already looking forward to such joy, Labor Day, and it is only 2 weeks in for the kids!Enjoy the first week, hope it is smooth!
You could substitute your kids with my wife in your post. She's a 6th grade teacher and is always looking forward to the holidays and days off. My daughters two of which are in high school and the other in college don't seem to have those days anymore.
The end of Summer for me is dragging them inside the house for school instead of pushing them outside to play. LOL I love home schooling though. But even with them being home they go through the blues & nerves just like any other child. I let them go have fun as soon as all their lessons are done, so they get their work DONE!
Hey, I also wanted to THANK YOU for all of the support & encouragment you give me. Thank you for taking my journey with me. It's nice to know I'm not alone & that you think it could help someone out there. I have thought that my whole life. That maybe I could turn all the bad into something good. Thanks & a Ton of Hugs to you!
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