It's that time of year again. The annual Weasel Home Halloween party. Every year we host a party for the adults. The kids get to have their fun, so we grown-ups should too.
I love Halloween. It's the easy holiday with no pressure. It's pure enjoyment and fairly easy to prepare for. A few costumes and a truck load of candy(there are a lot of kids in this neighborhood) and your all set.
The kids have their costumes all ready to go. We are kicking it old school and putting together our own costumes rather than the store bought rip offs like 'Drill Sergent Diva'. What is that anyway? There is no such thing. It's a $30.00 way to dress your daughter like a prost-i-tot. That's just not how we roll. Smallest weasel wants to be a vampire. That's old school respectable. But you can't just go by a $3.00 plastic vampire cape anymore. They will only sell you the $30.00 'Spider Vampire Diva' or the 'Vamp Tramp'. Once again, what the heck is that?
I don't have enough sewing skills to keep a button on, so I am stuck out in the cold. I bought a $10.00, one size fits all, red crush velvet hooded cape. It was the closest thing on shelves anywhere that I was looking for. And I will just have to trim the length or pin it up so that she can walk.
Anyway, back to the title. I am trying to think of what Mr. Weasel and I should dress as for the Par-tay. Every year we come up with something. But I don't want to go store bought or expensive. I want to kick it Old School and original. Last year we were Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Koepeckne. Before that Wonder Woman and Super Man. This year I have no ideas.
Mr Weasel has always wanted to be Gomez and Morticia Addams. With me and my 5'4" being Gomez. I have vetoed this for years. I don't ever want to see Mr. Weasel in a long black dress and heels. Call me crazy, but that has too much of a ring of Maury Povich to it.
We've done the cheerleader, football player thing. I don't want to go the McCain /Pallin route. I am out of ideas and that's why I am asking for your help. So come up with something Easy, original, and cheap. If I use your idea I will totally hook you up with a shout out and some link love.
What the hell, we can almost call this a contest! It has a the elements. Except for a definite winner or a prize. Yeah, we 'll pretend it's My First Contest! Good luck kids.

My husband and I once did an angel/devil thing. Only we played opposite of our roles in real life...he wore the angel outfit.
Last year I saw a ketchup and a mustard costume at a local Halloween shop here. It was too cute!! (:
Wow, good first contest, sort of...
I see your reluctance in having your husband dress in drag. Might start something you don't want to see.
How about Sonny and Cher, or Tim and Faith, or JLo and whatever her husbands name is....
This idea is something I am sure you would like to have, but probably don't even remember what the words mean. Feel free to use a dictionary in the event that the little weaslettes have sapped all memory of the concept :-)
Peace and Quiet
One person dresses like a hippie (jeans, flowered shirt, peace signs, beads, headband, etc.). The other person dresses up like a mime (striped shirt, black pants, suspenders, white facemakeup, etc.)
or you could simply dress up as caricatures of each other.
oh btw, this is shannon, megan's hitchhiker friend from TN ;-) i am loving your blog and wishing we had got to hang out more. love ur fam's sense of humor!
Cowboy/cowgirl? That one could really have some legs post Halloween, too ;)
Whichever two teams are left in the World Series (make the logo of each to wear)?
California raisins (black tights/pants, garbage bag and balloons or crumpled newspaper?
20's flapper couple?
SPONGEBOB AND PATRICK. Well you did ask for suggestions! If you don't know who they are .. google them!
These are some great ideas, but I also want to keep it cheap. The raisins are cheap, but bulky for playing hostess. Keep the great ideas coming. Tim and Faith would be great if we didn't already resemble Spongebob and Patrick.
Shannon, glad to see ya around. I hope you come back often.
I always wanted to go as the Flintstones. Might be pretty easy to pull that off!
How about Daisy and Luke Duke from the Dukes of Hazard/
Woopie cushions!
Pfft... pfft... Hey, that's everyday in MY house. :o)
(One of Momo's readers, just here checking out your blog. :)
We did the Flintstones a few years ago. Your dark hair would make a great Betty Rubble. Those costumes were actually pretty easy and cheap to make.
Of course, this answer was already take...
I'll be back...
Wish I had a good idea. I totally stink at coming up with costume ideas. I've had to admit to myself that I'm just really not very clever in that department. But I like the ideas that are coming in! Best of luck to you!
Magnum P.I. and Higgins... I think that would be reasonably cheap! Who doesn't want to see a man in short shorts and a Tigers Ballcap! :)
OR Remmington Steel and his sidekick Stephanie! I think 80's tv shows are the way to go!
I got it: The Skipper and Gilligan. My ex and I did this once, and it was a big hit. She was The Skipper. Red shirt and white pants and white hat for Gilligan, dark blue shirt and khaki pants and dark blue hat for Skipper. 20 bucks at Goodwill. ba-da-bing.
How about Bob & Doug Mckenzie? Pinky and the Brain? BJ and the Bear? Sanford & Son? George & Weezie Jefferson? Britney & K-Fed? Brangelina" Bennifer? Bonnie & Clyde? Butch & Sundance? Gumby & Pokey? Dumb & Dumber? Sid & Nancy? Simon & Garfunkel? Salt -N-Pepa? Ham & Eggs? Peanut Butter & Ladies (whoops)? Hmmmm, that's a totally different party.
This year, Hubs and are will be Elf and Jovi (I can't wait!) We have a pretty big party here (maybe you'd like to come?!) Here are some of my suggestions:
Goth couple (pile on the black clothing, dark make-up, etc.) You might even know a kid who can lend you clothing?
One year, we were a priest and a nun (with a real priest's outfit and store-bought habit).
There are some great homemade ideas at (I think) Good luck!
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