Submit your own captions! These were taken this past weekend and are amusing all by themselves, but will be even better with your captions.
And don't forget to join in the fun of my 'almost a contest' below.

Submit your own captions! These were taken this past weekend and are amusing all by themselves, but will be even better with your captions.
And don't forget to join in the fun of my 'almost a contest' below.
Your little boy is saying....I came this close to foolin her...hee hee. Your girl on your right is about to hit him for making her mad, and your youngest is holding her back. Meanwhile in the progression of photo's you're telling them all where to get off and behave for a fam pic. Finally they all begrudgingly smile for the camera, while your son is still snickering. LOVE IT!
I'd call this series of photos: Family Dynamics - Life with the Weasels.
Did I get close? :) Oh and yes, email me b/c you can buy it straight through me instead of the other route. Then I'll sign it and mail it to you. Thanks you so much my friend. Email address is:
Kimberly, you are close to the reality it's uncanny. The final pic was the okay, I give up. I'm outnumbered.
Notice the absence of Eldest Weasel(she was actually off with her friends after having finished her Cross Country meet, in 19:55 may I add.
In the last one, everyone is thinking - "Can we leave the parking lot yet??" Have a great day!
My creativity is shot because I had to deal with a total psychopath at work today (unfortunately a co-worker and not a client!), but I love the photos!
4 out of 5, not too shabby! Cute pics, I can't think of any captions off the top of my head at the moment.
I didn't get a long comment from you on my contest post, if you did leave one it must have gotten eaten by the internet, which totally sucks. And you can still participate in the contest if you want, and any and all weasels are also welcome to play, just e-mail me at and I'll reply with my address. You need it anyway if the flat WeaselMomma is going to be sent my way =). Other options would be to take pictures of hand drawn pics or to use pc paint or whatever digital art program you have.
Crap, I totally didn't notice that the animation the sibling made me does look kinda dirty. It is totally not supposed to! Rods and spheres (called cocci, lol) are two common bacteria shapes and the easiest ones for her to make so that is what I got. At least she didn't have two cocci in it!!!!!
I don't think I can caption these. It brings back some memories of torturing my mom like this. Except it was ohhh I don't know getting CHURCH pictures taken for the CHURCH directory. I feel bad about it now.
Some of those expressions... priceless :)
I got nothing... but I can't stop laughing! Doesn't that just figure? This is how the Christmas card photo shoot went with my kids last year too.
"Come on dad, take the picture already?"
"Would the woman in the blue blouse please step forward."
"Yes officer. I think that's her. She's the one that did the Jaywalking at 5th and Main."
"Alright Dan-o! Book her!"
Kind of a long caption, but it's what came to mind.
Last one is called "Exasperated Mom." Or "Sombody is going to die soon if you don't hold still."
1. "Is dad ready with the camera yet?"
2. "Stand up straight, you're slouching."
3. "Okay, here we g- hey, is that Elvis over there?"
4. "This one for sure."
5. "Are we still taking pictures? I'm getting a cramp."
I got nothing...mmmm...Well.. Let's looks like you are surrounded by your children in a tight circle. We can't see your lower half... Did you spill something on your pants or rip them in a bad place? Are you using your children as a human shield???? Very clever. I'll have to remember that when I split my pants and don't have a sweater to tie around my waist!
O.K., I'm waaaay off aren't I? Hey I brought you some desserts!
BTW: Very cute family!
Here's a story, of a lovely Weasel.....
"Okay, I've got the funky face in the first one. Everyone else take turns for the rest of them, k?"
Not feeling witty at the moment, but I do want to say that these are beautiful.
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