Reading this post at the McMommy Chronicles, triggered a memory from of a Christmas visit 10 years ago. My Mom had come to spend Christmas with the Weasels. The night before her flight home she wound up in the hospital with a bad case of pneumonia and a 2 week extension of her of her visit. No, that's not the funny part.
The hospital that she wound up in was about an hour drive from our house. I would visit nightly after Mr. Weasel came home from work (oh, what a good daughter I was). He would get home about 7 pm. We'd talk for 5 minutes then I would drive out to visit with Mom and bring her dinner and anything she needed. I would stay until about midnight before making the drive back home. About a week into this routine, a blizzard hit. We had in excess of 2 feet of snow and I couldn't get to the hospital for about 3 days.
In that time Mom developed a bad case of chapped lips. With my not being able to bring her any Chapstick, she asked the nurse to bring her something instead.
When I finally was able to shovel out and get back to our nightly visits, she asked me to pass her "that stuff for my lips" from the nightstand. I didn't see anything. "there it is. Right by your hand." I still didn't see any lip balm. "There. Right there!" she started to become frustrated that I couldn't complete such a simple task. "This?". "yes, that's the stuff! Give it to me."
I burst out with laughter like a hyena as I passed my confused naive mother the tube and watched her apply K-Y Jelly to her lips. "What are laughing at? This lip balm is great!". It was worth the drive.

Holiday memories - can't get enough of 'em. :-)
Just found you on June Cleaver Nirvana.
Don't you love that good old Kentucky jelly! I've given out vaseline & A&D ointment in the hospital for chapped lips, but never KY...oh my!!
Holy TOTALLY just topped my nipple cream story!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!
This can only fall under the category of "whatever works." Good story.
Found this post from a McMommy tweet - glad I followed - too funny!
Now THAT is a funny story. Thanks! I needed the giggle today. :)
that's a good one wM! i wonder if her lips were all slippery with the lube on them :)
Oh man! I can't wait to tell my fellow nurses THAT one!
Great story, thanks for the laugh!
I guess it works in a pinch!! Bwhahaha!!
(and then, did you smuggle it home? hey-ohhhhh!)
I wonder if the KY people realize the marketing opportunities that they're missing.
If it wasn't for being your mom in the story, I'm sure I'd have a really good comment to share. But since it's the holiday season, will just let it slide.
Merry Christmas
Hahaha, I don't know which story is funnier!! They are both definitely....weird. Love your blog, found you while blog-hopping. Happy Holidays!
Hey, at least back then it was just the standard stuff. There wouldn't have been any warming sensation or confustion about whether it was "his" or "hers."
Hey! I remember that year. Jeez - remember that neighbor that took your spot - after you had spent hours shoveling! Makes you glad for driveways!
I don't think I want to hear the words K-Y Jelly and Mom used in the same paragraph again, ever.
Now I am morbidly curious...
After I let some people fight for Karen-time I'll let you know if I am not overbooked, assuming my mother lets me leave the house for something other than seeing some movie with her... Of course my shadow will play a part, she definitely insists that we visit you and is back to dictating what I am to tell you (not at the moment, it is way too early for her to be awake), hehe. Good thing we didn't bring big bear last time, had we brought it she would so have hidden out until I left so she could be adopted into the weasel clan!
@ Teri ~ makes me warmer than egg nog.
@ Laura ~ You'll have to try this is somebody who gives you a bad time.
@ McMommy ~ I loves the nipple cream story.
@ Elaine ~ You got that right.
@ Wendy ~ Thanks for coming by. I hope to see you again soon.
@ Scissors ~ Glad I could help.
@ Nonna ~ I try my best not to think about it.
@ Mama Smurf ~ I hope you get a lot of mileage out of it.
@ Melissa ~ It worked, lol.
@ Melisa ~ Nope, that would just be too scaring.
@ de-l ~ I can see the ad campaign now.
@ Mike ~ And I thank you for it! Merry Christmas.
@ Leslie ~ Glad you got 2 laughs for the price of 1! Happy BlogHopping and come back soon. Merry Christmas!
@ Terri ~ Oh my, that would have been too much!
@ Seashore ~ Hey! I didn't know that was you!
@ Big Bad ~ I agree 100%
Hilarious. Spooky how much this story parallels my own from last night; gonna send you an email...
I wanted to comment... but words fail. I guess my only thought would be... under what sort of emotional condition would a person have to be in order to come up with the idea of providing THAT as a substitute lip balm? Geesh.
Sounds like the beginning of a holiday tradition... maybe a little something each year in her stocking.
If she or your kids ever happen to find a tube at your house you now have the "Best Lip Balm - Ever!".
That's right up there with the "Water Balloons" that Daddy keeps in his night stand drawer!
Merry Christmas Weasel Family!
Oh I am SO glad that I stopped by on Christmas Eve so that I could have such a lovely treat. Did you explain the KY to your mom? And did you ever find out if the KY was a trick or genuinely something they thought would help? I feel for you on the hospital with pneumonia, as we were there a bit over a week ago... but thankfully nowhere near two weeks' worth!
Merry Christmas!
That's cute...
Merry Christmas!!!!
Your Mother kissed you with that mouth?
Sorry, easy play on words.
Merry Christmas to the World of Weasels! Hope you all have a great one.
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