Last night after I had gone off to bed, Mr. Weasel and Eldest Weasel (our 15 year old daughter) were sitting up and watching the T.V. together.
Another one of those incessant commercials for a prescription ED medication bursts onto the screen talking about how high blood pressure and diabetes can be causes of this disorder. Talk to your doctor, yada, yada, yada.
EW ~ Dad, I don't know if I have high blood pressure. I might have high high blood pressure.
Mr.~ Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you don't have erectile dysfunction.
I love my family. Also, I happen to know that Eldest doesn't have high blood pressure either.

They play these commercials waaay too early. My boys can sing the "Viva Viagra" commercial. They did it last year on a crowded bus where I tried to "shush" them. How cool is that?
Those drug commercials are very suggestive, aren't they? They can turn you into a real hypochondriac. I always joke with my wife (who is a pharmacist) when they come on "OH NO, I think I have that!" She just rolls her eyes at me and wonders what she got herself into.
Ugh, I HATE those commercials. Makes me long for the days when Tampax and Summer's Eve ruled the commercial spots. I do NOT need to hear about boner problems. Nor does my 6yo son.
(And I loved your comment at VodkaMom's, so true. :-)
Thank God! Nothing like a little father-daughter bonding over E.D. Nice.
Oh my gosh! Haha... hilarious!
Why do they show those commercials all the time?
Hey, I responded to your comment over at Vodka Mom...nothing bad, I just think you misunderstood what I was saying:)
I love these sort of hilarious exchanges. It's sort of like an impromptu skit right there in your own living room. Priceless!
I really do wonder where our society is going a) that we feel we need all these medicines (have you seen the one for Latisse?) and b) that we think it's ok to have these commercials on non-stop and in front of such a suggestable audience.
That being said, I love your family. They crack me up!
Whatever else happens with healthcare reform, I hope one part of it is to go back to banning drug ads on TV.
I'm still trying to figure out why everyone in Cialis commercials end up naked in SEPARATE outdoor bathtubs; isn't the point to try and end up in the same tub? I don't know....
ROFL! Oh those commercials are so annoying...and often inappropriate.
Are you sure? Maybe you all should have consulted Web MD?
My kids usually start clawing their eyes out when those commercials come on. "My eyes! My eyes!" they shout, and there's a mad scramble to find the remote to switch the channel temporarily. I HATE those stupid commercials.
@NukeDad - My concern with ending up naked outdoors in those tubs is how they get to and from with no visible means of coverage. Is there no modesty anymore?
HA! I hate those dang things!! Especially the cheesey ones! UGH!!
Those awful commercials have ruin Elvis for me.
It must be a laugh a minute at the Weasel house. Too funny.
I Mr. Weasel :)
I can't stand those commercials.
Just get me the twin tubs....
My grand kids anked me about that. I said it was an old people disease.
What a lovely, touching, father-daughter bonding moment. Oh, LMAO!
I used to get ED emails at my previous job. The spam filter wasn't working too well. Some of the illustrations were pornographic. I'm glad the TV commercials are a little less graphic.
I guess NukeDad doesn't find the Cialis commercials romantic . . .
@ Bad Momma ~ That's hysterical. Mostly because they weren't my children.
@ PJ ~ They are suggestive enough to make a 15 yr old girl think she couls have ED. It's funny that she doesn't know what ED is yet, but had no need to.
@ Mrs D ~ Ah, the good old days of "Mom, do you ever get that not so fresh feeling?".
@ Mrs4444 ~ Only in Weaselville.
@ Loukia ~ Glad you got a chuckle too.
@ Nap Warden ~ I'll check it out.
@ Gertrude ~ Yeah, I have my own comedy troop right in my living room.
@ Michelle ~ I hate being inundated with this informational garbage. Funny part is Eldest has no idea what ED is, nor does she care.
@ Teacher Tom ~ They are very annoying.
@ NukeDad ~ That same tactic worked for Dick Van Dyke and they managed to have 1 child.
@ Momisodes ~ and so constant too.
@ Melisa ~ Or atleaset talk to the doc about getting her a pill for hypochondria.
@ Tom ~ I take it that your girls have figured out what ED is.
@ Dad...~ so good to see you back!
@ Tara ~ Luckily, I was never a big Elvis fan.
@ de-I ~ I'm just gonna say thanks. I assume you were going to say "I Love Mr. W", he is a piece of work.
@ Oscar ~ That's a great explanation for the little ones.
@ Surprised ~ Better than a Summers Eve bonding commercial.
LOL! I hate to admit it, but it took me a few viewings to know what the heck the cialis commercials were even advertising when they started. (Yeah, i know, i'm a dork.)
Hilarious! Mr. Weasel is awesome.
I hate those commercials. I often have to scramble to find the remote control to change the channel before the inquisition starts.
My favorite is "Smiling Bob" for Enzyte. My 8 year old wants to know what that man's so happy about. Ugh. Hey honey, your son has a question for you!
Sounds like EW has is already well on her way to having the same sense of humor as her mom! What a riot!
What a nice father/daughter moment. :)
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