This morning Boy Weasel and Monkey Weasel are both heading into surgery. Not to worry, it's nothing serious, but it is the first time that either of them is having surgery or general anesthesia. They both showed signs of nervousness as bedtime grew closer, thus Mr. Weasel I allowed them to steal Mr. Weasel's spot in our bed. Monkey would sleep in the middle, Boy Weasel in Dad's spot and I in my regular place.
Sleeping close to mom was enough to comfort them and they quickly fell asleep, as did I.
When I awoke around 4am my face brushed past the soft, sweet hair of a sleeping Weasel. I quickly did the math and surmised this to be Monkey Weasel. After all she had been sleeping next to me. I leaned over to kiss her atop her sweet little head before getting up and staggering to the coffee pot.
At this sweet and tender moment in time a sudden light bulb went off in my head. That wasn't hair. That was fur! That wasn't Monkey Weasel. That was Smores the Cat, who never sleeps far from Monkey. Smores had her entire self cuddled up and sleeping on MY pillow and I had puckered up and kissed her squarely on the hind quarters!
I hope this in no way indicates how the rest of my day is going to go.

Starting your day kissing a cat's hairy ass is unfortunate/gross/interesting/ewww. If you didn't have 2 surgeries to contend with, I would suggest returning to bed.
Hope the weasel kids are ok!!! Hugs to you!
Ew. Cats. I think I would rather find a the furry kind.
Good luck to everyone! Hope all goes well!
How's that old saying go? Kiss a cat's butt first thing in the morning and nothing worse can happen to you the rest of the day. Or something like that. Gargle with some Vodka, that'll disinfect good and proper.
good luck to surgery goers and people waiting!
we used to have a cat that would sneak into our bed and burrow under the covers or into the pillows in the middle of night. i don't think we ever kissed it however...just brush your teeth extra long this morning.
I have a couple of disgusting comments/retorts that I would love to put out here, but I will refrain in the name of decency and give them to you on the phone the next time we chat.
Icky poo. :)
prayers for safe surgeries! and rinse the cat butt out of your mouth with a couple of coors lights...good for the nerves, too!
I'm certain then, that the rest of your day can't get worse lol.
Best wishes to the kids!
Oh, man! I'll bet that cat LHAO! Saw on Twitter that the surgeries went well--Hooray! Now comes the fun part!
Let's just hope this is the last ass kissing of the day. If it's not, you might want to consider keeping that story to yourself. I have a strict "One ass kissing story"/day rule. The harrier the ass, the more this applies.
Cool. I just got to write "ass" 3 times on your blog and they were all totally appropriate! Thank you WeaselMomma!
I had cats growing up. The entire relationship seemed like the human kissing the cat's ass.
Now I have dogs who would love to kiss my ass if I'd let them!
I'm thinking of you guys today. Sending hugs to the little Weasels.
Hope they have a smooth recovery, and cats are definitely not allowed in my bed!
I can't believe you kissed a cat's backside to start your Monday and your week. Like the surgeries weren't enough a "start" to your week.
Did you gargle with vodka, or at least Coors Light?
I the Weasels are have successful surgeries. Good luck to them and to you.
That sounds exactly like how I used to wake up until I insisted we close the bedroom door at night. Being able to breathe was a priority for me, and el gato blanco's presence was impeding that. Glad to hear the Weasels are doing well. Hope they are enjoying the ice cream.
Hope everything went well.
did it kiss back? LOL
Listerine moment!!!
Hope everything went well today and that kissing a cat's butt was not the start of a bad day. YUCK
I hope all went well with the kiddos.
Awakening to a cat in the face is a common occurrence around here. Don't worry. Kissing a cat's back end isn't fatal, assuming you made contact with the region ABOVE the tail.
Two surgeries on children the same time??? Ooo not pleasant at all.
Once again you confirm the wisdom of NOT owning pets.
You know he (or she) is now bragging to all of the alley cats that; "I told my human I was going to sleep on her pillow, and if she didn't like it, she could just kiss my butt; and she did!"
Yikes. Smooching a feline balloon knot sounds like the start of an ominous day.
But it's amusing for the rest of us!
HAHA! Thanks for sharing your delightful romp with your kitty's keister. YUMMY!
Just don't choke on a furball!! Too funny, Momma!
That is what happens when you get up at 4 am. You can never be sure who's butt you are kissing.
glad the rest of the day went well!
Wow. I don't know that there's any coming back from starting your day out like that.
I try and start my day by kissing ass too. Usually it's my wife's or my bosses though...never a pet.
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