*SPECIAL ALERT* check out the update to me header. The Microblogolgist added 'Angel Weasel'(our Claire, who has passed) to it and Mommy always Wins installed it. I love it and want you to visit these wonderful women.
Welcome back for another edition of Fatherhood Friday. Visit Dad-Blogs.com to read some really great fatherhood related posts from some talented bloggers.
Mr. Weasel is often befuddled by the behavior of Boy Weasel. The Mr. will ask Boy a relatively simple question about his day and only get a half hearted one word response. A good example is
"How was practice today?"
"Well, what did you do?"
"I don't know, nothing. Ran."
"What did coach say about.....?"
"Nothing, I don't remember."
This conversation easily translates to school, friends, parties, anything really. I laugh because I have had many similar equally frustrating conversations with Mr. Weasel over the years. Mr Weasel has never understood my frustration, until now.
When Boy Weasel does have something to say, his mannerisms, facial expressions and enthusiasm crack me up. He is just a shorter version of is father.
The most recent light bulb moment for Mr. Weasel was this morning. While He and I sat drinking our coffee, checking email and watching the news, Boy Weasel made his way down the stairs and through the living room. Wordless and without eye contact he headed for the office.
MR. W ~ Good morning son, where are you going? What are you doing?
Boy ~without missing a step or turning his head ~ I just need to check something (on the computer).
Mr. W ~ You don't say good morning?
Boy ~entering the living room again ~ Okay, I just had to check my page. It's all good. Good morning. (complete with a good morning kiss for each of us)
Boy Weasel then proceed back to the office and computer. Mr. Weasel, just shook his head in confusion. He didn't understand Boy's behavior. I on the other hand got a good chuckle. "You start your day the exact same way". "Huh".

Like father, like son. Unfortunately, my son seems to have picked up some of my lesser qualities, including the notorious Irish/Italian temper. The teen years are sure to be fun :)
WeaselMomma, you are not signed up for my giveaway! Check my Wednesday blog - you've got until Noon today! http://abstractarboretum.blogspot.com/2009/08/its-big-100-loud-cheering-noises.html#comments
It's a boy thing. I know... I have to make a conscious effort not to be unfriendly sometimes, when I'm following a specific internal agenda. They need to be taught out of it.
Awww. That's cute. Kyle is a lot like his dad, too. The key to getting kids to say more than a word or two is to ask open-ended questions. So, instead of How was your day? and accepting "Good" or "Okay," ask, "What was good about it?" My kids hate that :)
Your header is blank to me, but that may be because I'm at work???
hahaha that does sound familiar to me, too. boys/men are weird lol :)
Yes - you will know when he is becoming a man when he adds a strong black coffee to that routine!
I am certain that I will certainly pay for my personality issues when Braden is older. You pay for your raisin' right?
When I ask my 3 year old daughter how did she sleep last night.. Her reply is "Yes"...
I just wanted to tell you that i absolutely LOVE your new header.
i hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
@ PJ ~ The similarities in everything, including temperament are astounding.
@ Tom ~ As long as it comes as a natural and not an intentional, all is good.
@ Mrs4444~ My kids hate follow ups too. I've tried it, but it just aggravates them. I just need to wait until they approach me. That's when the flood gates open.
@ Ciara ~ weird yes, but I wouldn't wanna live without them.
@ Smallprint ~ He just started drinking coffee, only he is cream and sugar guy, for now.
@ Otter ~ I can not tell you the amount of amusement I get out of their similarities.
@ Eric ~ That's awesome! My smartalecks say "with my eyes closed".
@ Heather ~ I love it too! I hope your weekend is fantastic as well.
I think you're doing pretty good if you can at least understand the few words he does manage to say to you. My middle kid grunts and mumbles at me and I have to ask him umpteen times to repeat himself.
(I just said "umpteen." It's official. I've become my mother.)
Hey , it's me in 15 years ago! Parents....
At least you know where he gets it! I sometimes will separate one of my boys from the herd and take them on an errand.
I find some alone time will get them spilling their guts. Feigning disinterest sometimes helps too. Also when I get on my laptop, my boys suddenly need my attention!
I don't think it's exclusive to boys/men. I don't have any boys and my daughters can "zone" and "monosyllable" with the best of them. They also have the ability to completely ignore their mother when they are less than three feet away (well, they ignore me as well). My eldest has also picked up my admittedly infuriating tendency to 180 on things at the first opposition. "Let's just not do that (insert whatever) at all!" The girls have picked up a few of their mother's choice qualities as well........
Finally got to your site! I love Weasel Angel being represented on your header! Nice job ladies!!
Yeah, same conversations between oldest and us. Too funny!!
My 12-year-old girl is doing the same thing.
Her standard answer to a yes or no question: "Kind of," or "Not really." What does that mean!!???
That's great. You must learn a lot about why your husband is the way he is through raising your son and vise versa.
Back to try and view the new header again--It's WONDERFUL!! :)
I agree with Bad Momma--seperation from the herd sometimes helps! I'm just glad to hear that my manchildren are typical males....
Gosh - Wife accuses me of much the same behavior. Hang in there Mr. W Only 12 more years until they start treating you like a real person.
My daughter is a lot like hubs in the morning, I'm still waiting for the lightbulb to go off for him... ;)
It's always entertaining to see my husband in the wee ones. And there are definitely some parts that sneak through. Then again, I see me in certain things that I would NEVER have thought were genetic :)
And Claire? I love the angel. Especially her blue eyes. Great job by both ladies!
Haha, busted! That's funny!
Fabulous addition to the header!!!!!
Might have something to do with the drive that most men have to communicate. All men need a little time in the cave before they come out to interact with the world.
Love, love, love Claire's addition to your header--perfect!
Watching Niecey pick up behaviors is amusing at times, though sometimes it sucks because she of course has to pick up bad ones! She lives with four adults and I definitely pick out stuff from all four. So far I have not recognized anything from myself, lol.
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