School is back in session this week after the 2 1/2 week Christmas break. Monday morning twitter was all a twitter with celebratory parents who couldn't wait for this day to arrive.
Throughout the week I read many blog posts recapping the events of the extended time off and mostly decrying how awful it was to be spending so much time with the children home and how the kids were making these parents crazy. Whether families had traveled over their vacations or had stayed home, the general sentiment was "Thank God the kids are back in school and I can have my house back".
I get this. I really do. Peace and quiet are nice environments to get work done in. Some of the kids favorite shows make your ears bleed when you hear the theme song. The constant activity level that surrounds you when the kids are around for extended periods can be a bit much and the trail of destruction that they leave in their wake gets old.
However, my feelings on this past Monday were the complete opposite. I was sad that the Weasels were heading back to school. We didn't go anywhere special over the break. We didn't have any magnificent plans. We just celebrated the time off simply at home.
In the days before Christmas, I was still running around trying to get my last minute to-dos finished. Life was busy as usual and a bit on the hectic side, but starting on Christmas Eve at dinner time all that changed. The hustle and bustle were finished and it was just time to sit back and enjoy. Christmas itself and the days following were spent in relaxation and family time. A luxury we usually don't have on school days. There was no rush to get ready and get everyone out of the house on time. There were no sporting events on the schedule. The stress of homework, deadlines and strict bedtimes were gone.
We could simply enjoy each other. We played Rock Band and SpongeBob's Battle For Bikini Bottom for hours on end. We played cards and Operation. There were playdates and dinners that we made and eaten together. Sure there were chores to be done, but that only accounted for one hour a day if we all worked simultaneously. We watched movies and television, spent time with friends and just savored the time off.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all rainbows and puppies - well actually, there was a puppy involved. There were moments of arguing over who's turn it was to play what game or who cheated someone else, but overall it is so much better when the Weasels are home. I really enjoy when I am actually able to enjoy them as opposed to just playing Drill Sergeant on busy school days with tight schedules.
I like to think that I am not really in the minority.
Now Head on over to Dad-Blogs to read many great postings on everything FatherHood Friday related.

Ah, sounds like a complete family, if only i could arrange for our little one to head off to school...early LOL Altho, I am certain I am gonna miss our stay at home dad days...allot!
I also like when school is out. I only have one in school (7) and an infant, so maybe that's why. Now, if I have 5 kids I may feel differently, lol. But for now, I enjoy the lazy days at home and being together.
My little ones aren't old enough for school. It's not like it was any different with the teenager going back to school. He was here about 16 minutes all break.
Plus with the baby coming the same weekend. We were focused on her.
With only one not in school I don't have much to say on the subject, but I was just happy when all of the out of towners departed. My back appreciates it that I'm no longer sleeping on an inflatable mattress in my living room.
When I was at home, I loved it when my kids were off school. Now, I love the college breaks and summers, when they're all at home.
I'm with you on this one.
It was wonderful to spend 4 days with my kids in a row - I got to "know" them again. I think working parents are overwhelmed too but it is nice to reconnect with your family when you don't get enough time with them.
That sounds like fun to me. You have enough weasels that games must be a fun time around your house. I hope you don't have to do too much drill sergeant work for a while.
I'm glad you enjoy the kid time so much, that's a really great thing - and a sign that you have a very happy family.
I can't claim the same level of joy with the kids out of school, as the older ones prefer to spend their off time with their friends, or end up moping around the house when they're here for extended periods. And the five-year-old saps our strength with the ferocity of his demands for continual entertainment, and/or his bizarre antics.
Completely agree with you! Our daughter is 3 months old so we can't play XBOX together yet :) but I was still sad to go back to work!
You're not totally in the minority. While I like having the wee ones on a schedule -- they do best with structure in terms of their behavior, etc -- I liked having them home and spending time with them. We made our gingerbread house and playing in the snow, Little Miss discovered the joys of hot cocoa and we made rockin' doggie biscuits. Now it's all back to the rush and bustle. I'm with ya.
I'm on your side. It is just less stressful and more fun when everyone is on a break from school.
the bride surely saw it your way, she was just tore up the kids were going back to school!
Now summer break is a different story!
I don't know if you are in the minority (a true survey would be interesting) but I suspect that because of your personal history that you have a much more heightened awareness that time with your children could end at any moment and hence your much heightened appreciation for each one of them.
I'm with you, it's waay more fun having the kids at home. House gets too quiet without them.
Hmm... I have to take my youngest to pre-school and wait for him so ya, I miss them.
It sounds like you had a great attitude going into it to start with. I too love games with the family. And the poor dog, here it's been to cold for him to take a walk. Brrrrrr.
I was just thinking today that I'm not relating to the people glad to be rid of their kids after a break or consecutive snow days. Maybe my kids are too young to drive me crazy yet...?
My kids are all grown, rarely home now except for holidays and Weasel Momma you have your priorities right! Family is everything. I am a Greta fan and I found your blog after I saw your Skype interview with her. I hope she has you On The Record. It would be a great addition to her show. She is the best, and with your sense of humor I think it would be fun1
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