It's National Delurking day! A celebration of all of the lovely lurkers who hide in the shadows and read, but never make themselves known.
Today is your day to pop your head out into the sunlight and say hi in the form of a comment. An opportunity for you to break your silence and be heard!
Come out of the woodwork and join the join the party. I promise that I don't bite. I try to entertain you the rest of the year, today is your day to entertain me and let me know you are here with a big loud YOP!
You need not have an account to leave a comment. Just click comments and then mark the name box. You can leave a message as Bob or Marge or whoever you would like to be. Just give me a shout to say you are here.

Hey chicka! Happy De-Day!
What about people who aren't really lurking, but specifically hanging around to ride on the coattails of someone rocketing to nationwide celebrity?
Holla! I am here, but that's really not a surprise, right?
I'm a super-lurker, but in honor of the day, HI!
I'm here, lurking your blog.
Saying hi. I usually just read you in my reader. :)
I have alreayd been de-lukred a long time ago. I am here anyway.
Howdy. Yawp backatcha. Hope all are well up your way-- we're doing okay here, except that Lena is wasting away without the recipe for your twice-baked potatoes. :)
Stopping in to de-lurk (ha, duh) and tell you that I am once again safely ensconced only four exits down the interstate from you.
Oh such false advertising! I still am recovering from the bite marks...not to mention the head bruises from being forced into the Whack-a-Weasel box.
I am here weaselmomma! I was lurking earlier but unable to comment.
@ Tara ~ It's one way to get the stalkers out of the shadows, thanks for reminding me.
@ Tom ~ I like them too, but can I tell you a secret? They are riding the wrong coattails. Don't tell them though. I like the hype and fanfare.
@ Sue & Father of 5 ~ You're not lurkers, but I'm still glad to know you are around.
@ Heather ~ Thanks. I have a love hate relationship with my reader.
@ Pixie 13 ~ I'm happy to have you around. Never fear piping up and saying hi.
@ Otter ~ Yeah, there's no pushing you back in the shadows.
@ Chess ~ It's not hard or fancy. Bake potatoes until well fluffy inside. Cut in 1/2 while hot & scoop from shell. Add milk, sour cream, bacon, shredded cheddar, butter, salt and pepper (all to taste - you can switch up cheeses too) Spoon bake into shells and bake until golden on top ~ Tada! No tricks involved.
@ Melisa ~ It's good to have you back. I hope to see you soon.
@ De-I ~ You're not looking to get Your $19.95 back are you?
Present and Accounted for.
I guess I'll say too today but I'm a faithful follower and reader even when i don't comment :)
I'm here!!
It's WHAT?
I never know anything around here.
Dear WeaselMomma, Hi! It's me, Marge! Just stopping by to say I love your blog!
Love, Marge (a.k.a. Terri)
Wait a second. You want me to comment on two separate posts from you in a single day? Sheesh. Oh. Wait. I just did.
I feel like the Whos from Horton Hears a Who but we are here, we are here! I stumbled on your log a few months ago and adore it. Your writing style and stories are wonderful!
I've read/watched all of your posts since I subscribed a few weeks back but have only commented once or twice, so yes, I guess I'm semi-delurking :)
Alice, visiting from Tom's Being Michael's Daddy is here. I enjoy both your posts and Matilda the Hun's post.
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