It's Thursday and here are just random thoughts that are running in a loop through my head.
- It's almost Friday. Yeah for Friday! There is no homework on Friday. It's my happy day.
- Melisa is coming home from her 12 days in Tennessee today, just in time to save me from shaking in the fetal position in the corner of a closet. I really missed her even though we talked regularly.
- I am showered, dressed, wearing make-up and have presentable hair. There is no chance that Greta Van Susteren will want to chat today.
- I really need to bust a move on some household chores today. The fairies and elves aren't going to show.
- I am ready for spring. Too bad I don't have an in with Mother Nature.
- Hot Wings are always hotter the next day.
- I really want to go to Blissdom, but there is a snowballs chance in hell of it happening. Maybe Greta wants me to cover it for On The Record.
- White Bullie of The Dad Side is cracking me up with his product review of Whack-A-Weasel -go check it.

Wanted to go to Blissdom too. Feel your pain.
Ok, no fairies or elves to clean, but maybe a few woodland animals? Try dancing around the house singing in a high pitched voice...
Have a good one!
I'm ready for Spring too, and those elves better show up here soon too before someone gets hurt.
Friday and Spring are both a great thing. I need them now.
We made salsa. It too is hotter the second day. It's unbearable a week later.
Do you think between the two of us we can knock that Mother Nature down? I'm with ya on being ready for spring.
And ummm what's Blissdom? Are you blooding and lunching next week?
Maybe there is some type of cleaning fairie trap we can create? I need a couple.
Wow, you had a lot going on in there!
I'm still catching up from being gone: UGH.
Loved the product review! Pure awesomeness repeated....
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