According to The voices In my head and rampant imagination a trusted source, this conversation was had in the oval office last week:
POTUS ~ I want to send the Health and Human Services Secretary to Haiti to ensure that all the aid and relief we are sending in the aftermath of this earthquake is being dispersed quickly and efficiently.
Presidential Advisers ~ Sir, we advise against sending the HHS Secretary at this time. Due to conditions on the ground, we would not be able to guarantee the personal safety of the Secretary.
POTUS ~ In that case, let's send Secretary Clinton.
I will exhaustively try to get confirmation on the validity of this story.

So, that's how it goes down....
Better to send Hillary than Bill; Haiti already has a teen pregnancy problem.
I'm not sure what's funnier, this or the fact that he reached out to 'W' to help solicit funds for Haiti. Barry, W and Clinton all on the same team? Smells like armageddon.
You've got a good grasp of the mechanics of politics.
nukedads comment...priceless.
Ya, I can see that.
I wouldn't send Bill either. Hilary does not protection.
Weaselmomma for Pres. 2012!?
Woman, you crack me up!
Anxiously awaiting confirmation of the validity of this story! LOL!
Yep, I am betting that is how it went down.
This is hilarious. I love it.
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