In the interest of shameless self promotion, if there is anyone out there who likes this blog, could you hook me up with a cr8buzz invite? I'm not too proud to grovel.

In the interest of shameless self promotion, if there is anyone out there who likes this blog, could you hook me up with a cr8buzz invite? I'm not too proud to grovel.
Honored to invite you to the Buzz!
Thanks for the invite. I'm hooked up.
Glad to have you in the Buzzhood!
welcome aboard! Glad that BD knew how to hook you up; I haven't figured it out yet. Soon you'll be able to put your badge up proudly.
Tom, do you mean to say That ranked at 605 I shouldn't be proud?????LOL
Just so you know, you don't need an invite to join. That said, it does help you to invite others. It has to be done a certain way, though; go to "My Stuff" and look for the box down on the right-hand side. Enter email addresses there. When someone else joins through your invite, your rank rises; I'm not sure how much, and I'm sure you won't just invite for the ranking; you will invite because you'll LOVE the Buzz!
That's quite a song you have here, Missy! Can't say I've ever heard so much Booty talk :)
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