Okay, so you folks seem to enjoy my approach to getting car repairs done quickly. Some of you may try to employ this method in the future. Well I have another tip for going to the dealership.
Here's how to get a great price on the car of your choice:
Step one- Bring whole family including Dad, very pregnant Mom and 4 kids no older than 10.
Step two- Let kids politely look through showroom cars as salesman approaches.
Step three-Discuss with sales guy what you are looking for, expectations, rebates etc.
Step four-Transfer car seats and take kids for test drive. * Make sure kids are hungry for dinner, getting punchy,mean and nap deprived by this point in time*
Step five-Return to dealership and send children to play area while Mom and Dad have the 'sit down' with sales guy.
Step six-negotiate to what you think is a fair price and still claim 'that's too much, you can do better'.
Step seven-*this is crucial*- Go silent and risk whiplash turning your head toward the sound of a large crash in the toy area. Mom should investigate as silence falls over the toy area also.
Step Eight-return to Dad(still standing at sales guys desk) holding the 8 year old close while applying pressure to gaping hole in the back of his head.
Step nine-ask for paper towels when sales team gets 'deer in the headlights' syndrome.
Step ten- inspect wound and question children until you find out that 4 year old pulled chair away as 8 year old was about to sit down. Eight year old falls back taking the corner of the wooden play table him.
Step eleven- Visually follow trail of blood from play area table to carpet and across showroom floor.
Step twelve-Mom should get dealer to drive to Emergency Room while Dad re-negotiates car price.
Step thirteen-Have doctor staple 8 year olds head shut and treat for concussion.
Step fourteen- Have dealer drive you back to dealership where Dad got a much lower price.
Step fifteen- Give both 8 and 4 year olds chocolate for pulling that off and saving you money.
Step sixteen- 1 week later receive a get well card and a new x-box game(SpongeBob) in the mail from the Dealership.
*disclaimer, do not try this at home! We are trained professionals.

Ouch! Seems a little on the extreme side; don't know if I'll try that one or not. I'm assuming you bring him back each time you need an oil change? ;)
Yikes! You guys really know how to party. And how to work the system. I can't wait to read how you guys go to buying a house.
Please tell me that didn't really happen. Did that really happen? Again, I may need to borrow your kids someday. kthanxbai. ;)
OH, it sooo did really happen. It wasn't staged or planned. But did transpire. It all worked out in the end. And we did get a great deal.
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