I'm gonna tell ya the story of how we got our pet Frankie. I mentioned him briefly last week in We Should Install A Revolving Door and was going to post the whole story eventually. But I am prompted to post it now as Busy Dad is having a kids book giveaway looking for stories of icky bugs and your kids. So without further ado.......
When Eldest(14) was 2 she would freak out Jurassic Park Style every time she saw a fly, inside or out. You would think it was a flying raptor. She would scream, cry and come just short of having a panic attack. This went over very well in public as people would stop and ask if she was alright, thinking the child had been attacked by an ax murderer. There was no amount comfort that would settle her until it flew far, far away.
One day in the kitchen while doing whatever it is I do in the kitchen, Eldest came to help me. She spotted a fly and stared the earthquake in my ears. When from nowhere the words "That's Frankie, he's your new pet" flowed from my lips.
She stopped crying immediately and said "really, he's my pet?" It worked!!!!! And so 12 years and 5 children later, we still have our pet Frankie. I think it took her about another 4 years to figure it out.
He's not your ordinary pet. He comes and goes as he pleases like a farm cat. He 'hibernates' in the winter. Sometimes he brings friends and family to visit. He's not allowed to eat our food. He can go seek his own. And no one is ever allowed to swat a fly in our house when the little ones are around for fear of total melt down.

Your fleet-footed solution sort of got you painted into a corner, no? Are you going to install a fly door in the screen for Frankie?
Don't have to Tom, Frankie always seems to find away in.
This one needs to go into the master manual of best practices for raising kids. Brilliant. I think you need to put some sort of reflective collar on him or something. I'd feel really bad if I swatted him by accident because he does get around and seems to love my potato salad.
He's not really our pet!!???!!
Didn't mean to spill the beans Honey, I thought you knew!
Great story, Barb! One night as I put Mara to bed, I said, "Hi Charlotte!" to a spider right above her. Mara SCREAMED in my face! I said, "It's just a little spider, honey." And she said, "Oh, I thought it was a mosquito!" To this day I catch all spiders and carefully place them outside. Mosquitoes, on the other hand.....
Great to hear from you Winky! Please come back often.
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